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Tom Kean Jr. Called Out to Return Donations ,by the Same Democrats who took Russian Money to Block the Keystone Pipeline

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, we have to laugh at this one , James Singer, DCCC Spokesperson called out Tom Kean Jr. for accepting campaign donations from Matt Mowers’ leadership PAC , claiming he voted in two states in 2016 saying, “If Tom Kean Jr. cares about election integrity he should denounce double voting and return the donations he took from Matt Mowers.” . How could that be, according to the Democrats, the “media” and Facebook censors there was absolutely positively no election fraud whatsoever.

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Democrats Play the Blame Game while Accepting Campaign Contributions Promoting Russian Oil Pipelines

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Washington Dc, when Democrat policies are a total failure and  drive up oil prices , democrat politicians line up and play the blame game. First you denie it, then then you blame a foreign boogie man and claim any one that disagrees is promoting propaganda and then when all else fails you blame oil companies . Be it shutting down the Keystone Pipeline or curtailing oil exploration on Federal land it is democrat policies that have pushed oil prices higher.

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NJ Democrat Reps Must Return Campaign Cash Received From Russian Energy Lobbyist

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, Tom Szymanski, Executive Director of the New Jersey Republican Party (“NJGOP”) issued the following response stemming from reports that Democratic Representatives Tom Malinowski, Mikie Sherrill, Andy Kim and Josh Gottheimer had accepted donations from a Nord Stream 2 lobbyist:

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What took Congresswomen Mikie Sherrill so long to address the disturbingly high Veterans Homes deaths in New Jersey ?

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog
PARSIPPANY NJ, Rosemary Becchi, Republican candidate in New Jersey’s 11th congressional district, is wondering why it took Mikie Sherrill so long to address the disturbingly high Veterans Homes deaths in New Jersey.

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The New Jersey State Troopers Association throws support behind Rosemary Becchi in CD-11

Republican Candidate Rosemary Becchi

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Parsippany NJ, Rosemary Becchi, Republican candidate running in New Jersey’s 11th congressional district, has been endorsed by the New Jersey State Troopers Fraternal Association.

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Combat Veterans Attack Mikie Sherrill’s Veterans Record


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Parsippany NJ,  Rosemary Becchi, republican candidate for Congress in New Jersey’s 11th Congressional District, released a video attacking Mikie Sherrill’s veterans’ advocacy record since taking office.

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Rosemary Becchi, Republican candidate for New Jersey’s 11th Congressional District, releases her economic plan to New Jersey Back To Work

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Parsippany NJ.  Rosemary Becchi, Republican candidate for New Jersey’s 11th Congressional District, releases her economic plan promising to put local families and their businesses first.

“While New Jersey families continue to struggle and many of our favorite small businesses are forced to close their doors, Mikie Sherrill and Nancy Pelosi refuse to take action,” said Becchi. “The dysfunction in Washington is destroying New Jersey and it must be stopped.”

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Democrats block push to boost small-business aid


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, , As the coronavirus pandemic continues to eat away at New Jersey’s economy, with a third straight week of record unemployment claims, our Democrat representatives in Washington continue to obstruct aid at the behest of their liberal leadership. Most recently, Nancy Pelosi has vowed to block $250 billion in aid to struggling small businesses.

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