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Fascism 101 : Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Authorizing Commandeering of Property Such as Medical Supplies

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

TRENTON NJ,  Governor Phil Murphy today signed Executive Order No. 113, authorizing the New Jersey State Director of Emergency Management to use the Governor’s full authority under the Disaster Control Act to commandeer personal services and/or real or personal property.  This includes medical supplies and equipment from private companies and institutions in order to help meet the continued need for ventilators and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in the State in hospitals, health care facilities, and emergency response agencies due to the ongoing outbreak of COVID-19.

Continue reading Fascism 101 : Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Authorizing Commandeering of Property Such as Medical Supplies

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Governor Needs to Explain How New Climate Change NJDEP Mandate Will Be Applied Without Hurting Homeowners, Economic Growth, or Property Rights

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, Senator Anthony M. Bucco called for Governor Phil Murphy to provide clarity on Executive Order 100 which gives broad new powers to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) to deny virtually any type of development due to undefined “climate change considerations.”

Continue reading Governor Needs to Explain How New Climate Change NJDEP Mandate Will Be Applied Without Hurting Homeowners, Economic Growth, or Property Rights

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Agenda 21 : Angry critics call New Jersey’ blueprint for growth too radical

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Agenda 21 : Angry critics call New Jersey’ blueprint for growth too radical

The Christie administration’s draft strategic investment plan is touted by officials as a blueprint for spurring economic development in New Jersey, a goal seemingly embraced by many.

But critics say it represents a much more radical plan, and a very unlikely GOP agenda at that. It’s a proposal they say redistributes wealth, usurps individual property rights, and reflects a decade-old United Nations resolution that aims to promote so-called sustainable environmental growth around the globe.

In the seventh public hearing on the draft plan in Toms River yesterday, more than 50 people showed up, mostly to denounce the proposal. Often they shouted down a Christie administration official who sought to answer questions, loudly applauded those who criticized the proposal, and frequently interrupted the official when he sought to address those concerns.  (Johnson, NJ Spotlight)

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Shelly Kennedy will speak on the dangers of Agenda 21 and the Redevelopment Plan and the Foreclosure Act

theRidgewood blog ICON 46

Shelly Kennedy will speak on the dangers of Agenda 21 and the Redevelopment Plan and the Foreclosure Act
NJTPC General Meeting- May 15, 2012 -(Tuesday) – 7:00 PM
124 Essex Street, Rochelle Park, NJ – Harley Davidson Building

Rochelle Park, NJ, Agenda 21 issue has been on the forefront since last year and on Tuesday night NJTPC will feature a very special guest speaker, Shelly Kennedy.

Shelly Kennedy is a local NJ activist, and our resident “go to informed person” for Agenda 21matters . She is a member of the NJ Tea Party Caucus and works to inform and advise on the dangers of Agenda 21.

Shelly has been a recent guest speaker on the Tea Time cable show. She will be discussing how the Redevelopment Plan and the Foreclosure Act converge to enforce mandates on your individual towns and how it may affect your home residence as an asset. She will answer your questions and explain what you can do to avert Agenda 21 and its attacks on private property

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West Bergen Tea Party Presents Sustainable Jersey/UN Agenda 21

theRidgewood blog ICON 19

West Bergen Tea Party Presents Sustainable Jersey/UN Agenda 21

“Socialist Serfdom”

Destroying our Property Rights, Affecting our Prosperity and Limiting our FREEDOM

The State Development/Redevelopment Plan: This Plan is an extension of the UN Agenda 21 which is being pushed into local communities throughout the USA through local ‘sustainable development’ policies such as Smart Growth, Wildlands Project, Resilient Cities, Regional Visioning Projects, and other “Green” or “Alternative” projects. This is a radical Plan which views the American way of life of private property ownership, single family homes, private car ownership and individual travel choices, and privately owned farms, all destructive to the environment. There’s more …. please attend and learn firsthand the underlying harmful implications if this Plan is implemented and what we can do to stop it.

7 pm, Tuesday, May 8th at the Larkin House
380 Godwin Avenue, Wyckoff (1/4 mile North of Stop & Shop on the right)
More Information: 201 891-5918 

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Sustainable Jersey/UN Agenda 21 : “Socialist Serfdom”

Road to serfdom

West Bergen Tea Party
Sustainable Jersey/UN Agenda 21

“Socialist Serfdom” , Destroying our Property Rights, Affecting our Prosperity, Limiting our Freedom

Join us 7 pm, Tuesday, May 8th
at the Larkin House
380 Godwin Avenue, Wyckoff
(1/4 mile North of Stop & Shop on the right)

More Information: 201 891-5918

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theRidgewood blog ICON 41

Posted on April 26, 2012, 9:00 AM

Agenda21 is global socialism directed through the United Nations. “Smart Growth” is doublespeak for planned communities. “Sustainable Development” means a centrally planned economy. “Industry Clusters” are government work factories. “Green Design” is the clustering of people in 700 sq/ft, 14 story “pack and stack” living quarters with your personal universe restricted to walking distance or light rail travel to your place of work. This is the reinvention of Mao’s China.

The famous tome “Road to Serfdom” by F. A. Hayek (1944) is the treatise on why planned economies must always fail and create misery in their path. Von Mises, Hayek and the other Austrian Economist (Ludwig Von Mises, F. A. Hayek, Murray Rothbard) contrast the liberty and prosperity of free market capitalism with the failure and totalitarian nature of socialism’s planned economy. In America for the first 225 years, free markets prevailed. In a nutshell, this means that 311 million people make individual decisions based on their individual needs and wants day in and day out. Billions of decisions are made by families given a wide plethora of choices and complex individual constraints. Agenda21 and socialism in general superimpose a one size fits all central decision in its place.

The first consequence is an economic desert. It is not a coincidence that most technological innovations occurred in the United States. In a planned economy, perhaps Edison might have invented a more efficient kerosene lamp. Government mandates for lighting may have funded safer or more luminous lanterns. Instead, Thomas Edison performed thousands of experiments with his own time and money creating the light bulb. It allowed for increased mobility during dark hours and improved education. Likewise, Henry Ford simply applied general theory of economic “division of labor” to make the automobile less expensive and abundant. A central planner may have simply commanded him to build lighter and safer horse buggies.

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By Kathleen Marquardt
February 25, 2012


When public policy is made by elected officials who are accountable to the people who are governed, then government is truly empowered by the consent of the governed. Sustainable development has designed a process through which public policy is designed by professionals and bureaucrats, and implemented administratively, with only symbolic, if any, participation by elected officials. The professionals and bureaucrats who actually make the policies are not accountable to the people who are governed by them. Henry Lamb, Sovereignty International

Public Private Partnerships

The third path to Sustainable Development, is Public/Private Partnerships. PPPs are business ventures that are undertaken with a partnership between the government (public sector) and private business entities. The businesses promise the government that they will operate under the laws of sustainable development and the government then acts as a bullying big brother to the businesses and forces onerous rules and regulations on those who won’t play the PPP game; this tactic often results in putting the competition out of business while the PPPs get more powerful — thanks to Congress.

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UN Agenda 21 : take away your property rights

UN Agenda 21 : take away your property rights 

For those of you that do not know about UN Agenda 21, it is in a nutshell:

An “earth first” mantra that subverts rational thought and the needs of our Society to dupe citizens of developed nations into massive wealth transfer (especially property and property rights) to their governments (local, state and national) and from their governments to undeveloped nations,
supposedly to rid the world of poverty thereby achieving a global, “Sustainable” utopia.

Sustainable is the buzz word that encapsulates decision criteria based on satisfying one or more of
the three E’s:

– Environment
– Equity (as in Social Equity)
– Economy

As wacky as this sounds, this is no joke – it is a cult mentality that has the potential to suddenly and forever fundamentally transform America into an unrecognizable form.

The draft plan clearly cedes control to the state, whether that is intended or not, and whether or not the county government wishes to implement the state plan or not. “Intent” has nothing to do with it despite what county planners claim. State law will prevail. Fortunately, various groups have already had much success with Somerset, Monmouth and Ocean counties; their rationale is getting attention statewide. This sets a precedent for success in your county, too. Politicians like to know there are others also addressing this issue – they they are not alone in the fight. A good communication channel is open with the county planners in all three of these counties, not only regarding the draft state development plan, but also their respective county plans.

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The UN’s Agenda 21 assault on property rights

>“False Choices: The UN’s Agenda 21 assault on property rights and plan for government control of land use through municipal ‘community planning’ and ‘sustainable growth.’ 

Free seminar on Agenda 21 – Get All the latest information and have your questions answered.   Get the take-away material to use in your own town and local areas to challenge those who would ignore the very questions you have as a private citizen and install this in your town. You need to find out the information before it is too late……be informed.

Tired of uninformed media reviewers labeling Agenda 21 tin foil fodder?

NJ businessman, John Anthony, will provide a compelling 60 minute presentation tracing the path of Agenda 21 from its birth to its embedding in community planning. Materials and sources will be supplied for others to do their own checking and to inform friends and officials.

DATE:                    Tuesday, September 27
TIME:                     7 – 9 PM
LOCATION:            Holiday Inn Saddle Brook – 129 Pehle Avenue, Saddle Brook, NJ

Presenter: John Anthony, NJ Businessman
Sponsored by:  The NJ TEA Party Caucus

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Totalitarian Program ‘Agenda 21′ Now in Effect!

>Totalitarian Program ‘Agenda 21′ Now in Effect!
Written on September 13, 2011 by ralphbarker

Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world has ever experienced a major shift in the priorities of both governments and individuals and an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources. This shift will demand that a concern for the environmental consequences of every human action be integrated into individual and collective decision-making at every level.
– George H. Bush

Agenda 21 isn’t coming. It is here. Most don’t know about it. They’ve never heard of it, but it is creeping in the back door right now. So, look behind you. It may already be in your backyard.

What is Agenda 21? It is a United Nation’s program presented and approved in Rio in 1992. At that time American conservatives laughed it off. “This is too crazy,” they said. “Impossible. It will never happen. Not here!” Well, it is happening. It is happening here and it is happening now. Agenda 21 is a totalitarian comprehensive environmental program that, when fully implemented, will direct where you live, how much water you can use, and how and where you can travel.

Agenda 21 is being marketed as a worldwide effort to ensure that all human beings will have access to adequate housing, health care, water and food. Of course this will require a massive redistribution of wealth from prosperous countries to poorer countries. Predictably, capitalistic countries, like the United States, will suffer lower standards of living.

It’s noteworthy that Presidents George H. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama, through Executive Orders, have signed onto Agenda 21. Hundreds more governors, mayors, and county commissioners have also signed on.

Agenda 21 and related programs will eliminate many things we hold dear. These have been declared “unsustainable” and will be abolished. Here are some of them:

All private property rights (property ownership)
All forms of irrigation, pesticides & commercial fertilizer
Livestock production and most meat consumption
Privately owned vehicles and personal travel
Use of fossil fuels for power generation or mechanized travel
Single family homes
Most forms of mineral extraction and timber harvesting
Human population must be reduced to fewer than 1 billion people