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Former Climate Change Activists Blows the Whistle of the ,Climate Change Industrial Complex

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Dr. Judith A. Curry, a former National Research Council member of the Climate Research Committee and a former scientist at Georgia Tech, used to be toasted by climate change activists. In 2005  she wrote an influential paper in Science magazine warning that hurricanes were likely to become more intense as a result of climate change. “I was treated like a rock star,” she recalls.

Continue reading Former Climate Change Activists Blows the Whistle of the ,Climate Change Industrial Complex

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Tips for Deprogramming Indoctrinated Teens

photo by Boyd Loving
By Charles Stampul

If you are close to a young person caught in the grips of a dangerous ideology, you may feel a moral responsibility to show that young person a way out.  Here are some tips based on experience teaching young adults and research into the subject.

First, resist the temptation to reason.  It is not an inability to reason that leads people to these positions.  They are motivated instead by deep, often latent psychological drives, such as the desire to belong or be part of what has been portrayed as an important crusade.

Continue reading Tips for Deprogramming Indoctrinated Teens

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“WOKE” Mob Goes After Ridgewood Police Chief

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photos by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, according to  the Bergen Recorrd a co-founder of Ridgewood for Black Liberation and her attorney are calling for state, county and local officials to investigate the Ridgewood Police Department after she was arrested during an Independence Day march. Thria Margareth Bernabe, 22, was arrested Saturday while participating in a peaceful Black Lives Matter protest in Ridgewood, her hometown. She is scheduled to appear in Ridgewood municipal court July 23.

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Reader Warns ,”This movement needs to be actively discussed at the village hall and with BOE, officially”

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“This movement needs to be actively discussed at the village hall and with BOE, officially. We can’t pretend that the woke religion isn’t a serious issue. It is very serious, ask residents in burned down, boarded up neighborhoods across the country.

While I respect individual parents’ decision to raise their kids in their own way, the village must vocally and unequivocally reflect values that vast majority of residents espouse. And I have no doubt that includes respect for the flag, freedom of speech and critical thinking.

All it takes for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing.”

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2020 A year that promised perfect vision but seems to be delivering total blindness

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Written by Charles Stampul

Ridgewood NJ, 2020 A year that promised perfect vision but seems to be delivering total blindness.  It is a year that will likely go down in history, just not for a pandemic.  By historical standards, this pandemic is moderate.  What is the real story for the history books then?

Those of us who’ve studied history recognize this moment, this point where the poles seem to flip, and lunatics are given the stage while sensible people are asked to sit down and shut and reluctantly but obediently comply.  It is the start of another cultural revolution.

Continue reading 2020 A year that promised perfect vision but seems to be delivering total blindness

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Obama’s Cuba trip sparks outrage among NJ legislators

Obama in cuba a great day for Marxism

“During President Obama’s speech in Havana with Cuban President Castro this afternoon he talked about a Rolling Stones concert, a Tampa Bay Rays baseball game, and urged Congress to lift the trade embargo against the tyrannical regime. The president did not, however, mention a single word about the extradition of convicted cop-killer Joanne Chesimard or terrorist William Morales.

These cowardly criminals must face justice here in the United States for their crimes before Congress has any debates about lifting the trade embargo, and the president’s failure to make this a priority in negotiations between our countries is truly upsetting to those seeking justice”Congressman Scott Garrett, U.S. Representative for New Jersey’s 5th


NJ Congressman Scott Garrett, U.S. Representative for New Jersey’s 5th congressional district, joined us on air to discuss his displeasure with President Obama’s trip to Cuba. He has been an outspoken critic on opening relations with Cuban regime. Currently, Cuba harbors New Jersey state police murderer — Joanne Chesimard. This among, other things, Garrett says, are on a list of items that President Obama needs to discuss with Cuba to truly regulate relations with Cuba.

Congressman Garrett recently sent a letter to the president’s administration saying: “On February 18th your administration announced your trip this March to Cuba citing the significant progress made by normalizing relations. However, we fail to see any progress in extraditing the fugitives like Joanne Chesimard and William Morales, nor any improvement in the treatment of the Cuban people by their government.”  The president has yet to respond.

Congressman Garrett expresses a similar concern to Senator Bob Menendez stating “Senator Menendez and I don’t agree on many things. This is one issue we agree on.” Listen to my full interview with Congressman Scott Garrett discussing normalizing relations waiting to be resolved below.

Read More: 3 things you learned on the Bill Spadea Show: NJ’s water crisis and more |

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Examiner Editorial: If top 5% paid 40% of taxes, what is their ‘fair’ share?


Examiner Editorial: If top 5% paid 40% of taxes, what is their ‘fair’ share?
November 22, 2012 | 8:00 pm

Riding a wave of confidence after his re-election victory, President Obama is eager to collect scalps from the class war he appears to have won. Americans, Obama said in his postelection news conference earlier this month, “want to make sure that middle-class folks aren’t bearing the entire burden and sacrifice when it comes to some of these big challenges. They expect that folks at the top are doing their fair share as well.” House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., echoed this point in a fundraising pitch sent out on Monday: “Voters sent a clear message to Republicans in the election: we must stand up for the middle class and ensure the wealthy pay their fair share.”

Although Obama and his fellow Democrats repeatedly call on wealthier Americans to pay their “fair share,” they never specify what percentage of the nation’s tax burden the wealthy would have to bear. As matters stand, the top 1 percent of American households paid 39 percent of income taxes in 2009, according to the most recent data compiled by the Congressional Budget Office, and the top 5 percent of taxpayers paid 64 percent.

But income taxes, taken in isolation, do not tell the whole story, because lower-income Americans do pay payroll taxes. But even taking into account all forms of taxation, the top 1 percent still paid 22 percent of federal taxes while earning just 13.4 percent of household income. The top 5 percent paid 40 percent of all federal taxes, despite earning only 26 percent of all income. No matter how you slice the numbers, it’s hard to understand why anyone would think the wealthy aren’t already shouldering a burden commensurate with their blessings.

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Agenda 21 : Angry critics call New Jersey’ blueprint for growth too radical

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Agenda 21 : Angry critics call New Jersey’ blueprint for growth too radical

The Christie administration’s draft strategic investment plan is touted by officials as a blueprint for spurring economic development in New Jersey, a goal seemingly embraced by many.

But critics say it represents a much more radical plan, and a very unlikely GOP agenda at that. It’s a proposal they say redistributes wealth, usurps individual property rights, and reflects a decade-old United Nations resolution that aims to promote so-called sustainable environmental growth around the globe.

In the seventh public hearing on the draft plan in Toms River yesterday, more than 50 people showed up, mostly to denounce the proposal. Often they shouted down a Christie administration official who sought to answer questions, loudly applauded those who criticized the proposal, and frequently interrupted the official when he sought to address those concerns.  (Johnson, NJ Spotlight)

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Shelly Kennedy will speak on the dangers of Agenda 21 and the Redevelopment Plan and the Foreclosure Act

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Shelly Kennedy will speak on the dangers of Agenda 21 and the Redevelopment Plan and the Foreclosure Act
NJTPC General Meeting- May 15, 2012 -(Tuesday) – 7:00 PM
124 Essex Street, Rochelle Park, NJ – Harley Davidson Building

Rochelle Park, NJ, Agenda 21 issue has been on the forefront since last year and on Tuesday night NJTPC will feature a very special guest speaker, Shelly Kennedy.

Shelly Kennedy is a local NJ activist, and our resident “go to informed person” for Agenda 21matters . She is a member of the NJ Tea Party Caucus and works to inform and advise on the dangers of Agenda 21.

Shelly has been a recent guest speaker on the Tea Time cable show. She will be discussing how the Redevelopment Plan and the Foreclosure Act converge to enforce mandates on your individual towns and how it may affect your home residence as an asset. She will answer your questions and explain what you can do to avert Agenda 21 and its attacks on private property

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West Bergen Tea Party Presents Sustainable Jersey/UN Agenda 21

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West Bergen Tea Party Presents Sustainable Jersey/UN Agenda 21

“Socialist Serfdom”

Destroying our Property Rights, Affecting our Prosperity and Limiting our FREEDOM

The State Development/Redevelopment Plan: This Plan is an extension of the UN Agenda 21 which is being pushed into local communities throughout the USA through local ‘sustainable development’ policies such as Smart Growth, Wildlands Project, Resilient Cities, Regional Visioning Projects, and other “Green” or “Alternative” projects. This is a radical Plan which views the American way of life of private property ownership, single family homes, private car ownership and individual travel choices, and privately owned farms, all destructive to the environment. There’s more …. please attend and learn firsthand the underlying harmful implications if this Plan is implemented and what we can do to stop it.

7 pm, Tuesday, May 8th at the Larkin House
380 Godwin Avenue, Wyckoff (1/4 mile North of Stop & Shop on the right)
More Information: 201 891-5918 

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Sustainable Jersey/UN Agenda 21 : “Socialist Serfdom”

Road to serfdom

West Bergen Tea Party
Sustainable Jersey/UN Agenda 21

“Socialist Serfdom” , Destroying our Property Rights, Affecting our Prosperity, Limiting our Freedom

Join us 7 pm, Tuesday, May 8th
at the Larkin House
380 Godwin Avenue, Wyckoff
(1/4 mile North of Stop & Shop on the right)

More Information: 201 891-5918

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theRidgewood blog ICON 41

Posted on April 26, 2012, 9:00 AM

Agenda21 is global socialism directed through the United Nations. “Smart Growth” is doublespeak for planned communities. “Sustainable Development” means a centrally planned economy. “Industry Clusters” are government work factories. “Green Design” is the clustering of people in 700 sq/ft, 14 story “pack and stack” living quarters with your personal universe restricted to walking distance or light rail travel to your place of work. This is the reinvention of Mao’s China.

The famous tome “Road to Serfdom” by F. A. Hayek (1944) is the treatise on why planned economies must always fail and create misery in their path. Von Mises, Hayek and the other Austrian Economist (Ludwig Von Mises, F. A. Hayek, Murray Rothbard) contrast the liberty and prosperity of free market capitalism with the failure and totalitarian nature of socialism’s planned economy. In America for the first 225 years, free markets prevailed. In a nutshell, this means that 311 million people make individual decisions based on their individual needs and wants day in and day out. Billions of decisions are made by families given a wide plethora of choices and complex individual constraints. Agenda21 and socialism in general superimpose a one size fits all central decision in its place.

The first consequence is an economic desert. It is not a coincidence that most technological innovations occurred in the United States. In a planned economy, perhaps Edison might have invented a more efficient kerosene lamp. Government mandates for lighting may have funded safer or more luminous lanterns. Instead, Thomas Edison performed thousands of experiments with his own time and money creating the light bulb. It allowed for increased mobility during dark hours and improved education. Likewise, Henry Ford simply applied general theory of economic “division of labor” to make the automobile less expensive and abundant. A central planner may have simply commanded him to build lighter and safer horse buggies.

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By Kathleen Marquardt
February 25, 2012


When public policy is made by elected officials who are accountable to the people who are governed, then government is truly empowered by the consent of the governed. Sustainable development has designed a process through which public policy is designed by professionals and bureaucrats, and implemented administratively, with only symbolic, if any, participation by elected officials. The professionals and bureaucrats who actually make the policies are not accountable to the people who are governed by them. Henry Lamb, Sovereignty International

Public Private Partnerships

The third path to Sustainable Development, is Public/Private Partnerships. PPPs are business ventures that are undertaken with a partnership between the government (public sector) and private business entities. The businesses promise the government that they will operate under the laws of sustainable development and the government then acts as a bullying big brother to the businesses and forces onerous rules and regulations on those who won’t play the PPP game; this tactic often results in putting the competition out of business while the PPPs get more powerful — thanks to Congress.

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UN Agenda 21 : take away your property rights

UN Agenda 21 : take away your property rights 

For those of you that do not know about UN Agenda 21, it is in a nutshell:

An “earth first” mantra that subverts rational thought and the needs of our Society to dupe citizens of developed nations into massive wealth transfer (especially property and property rights) to their governments (local, state and national) and from their governments to undeveloped nations,
supposedly to rid the world of poverty thereby achieving a global, “Sustainable” utopia.

Sustainable is the buzz word that encapsulates decision criteria based on satisfying one or more of
the three E’s:

– Environment
– Equity (as in Social Equity)
– Economy

As wacky as this sounds, this is no joke – it is a cult mentality that has the potential to suddenly and forever fundamentally transform America into an unrecognizable form.

The draft plan clearly cedes control to the state, whether that is intended or not, and whether or not the county government wishes to implement the state plan or not. “Intent” has nothing to do with it despite what county planners claim. State law will prevail. Fortunately, various groups have already had much success with Somerset, Monmouth and Ocean counties; their rationale is getting attention statewide. This sets a precedent for success in your county, too. Politicians like to know there are others also addressing this issue – they they are not alone in the fight. A good communication channel is open with the county planners in all three of these counties, not only regarding the draft state development plan, but also their respective county plans.