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Reader claims, “Ridgewood’s young people are far from being “spoiled brats”

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photo by Boyd Loving

“Many of these young people take this issue very seriously and are willing “to get up early” to support it. I’m sure they will be telling tales about it when they get older. As long as they do it in a proper manner and respecting all appropriate laws, let them be. However, the fact that the Officers felt the need to show up is proof that too many are “fake protesters, just trying to see how much attention they can get by being rowdy and, in some cases, actually dangerous.”

Everyone keeps telling them to “get jobs”. the question during this pandemic is “Where?” Adults can’t find jobs and all the summer jobs for teens, and regular jobs for older youth, are gone. Our recent college graduate has been searching since March. Fortunately, her older brother and sister have been able to keep the ones they’ve had since they have graduated. Offer these protestors a job and see how many will jump to take it–they’re not all “spoiled Ridgewood brats” and the majority of Ridgewood’s young people are far from being “spoiled brats”. Look at all the volunteer work they do and all the help they’ve provided to the Seniors Citizens in Ridgewood esp. during this pandemic. Remember, all you grouches were teens once. Were you always angelic?”