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Retiring Ridgewood Library Director Nancy Greene Honored

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Village Council honored Ridgewood Library Director Nancy Greene with a proclamation  that declared December 14th, Nancy Greene Day in the Village of Ridgewood, in honor of the library director’s upcoming retirement. Greene announced her retirement as of January 1st after dedicating 27 years of service to what is often ranked as the best public library in Bergen County .

Green said ,”I want to say how grateful I am, and what a joy it was to work with residents, our staff, our Board, our Friends of the Ridgewood Library  and our Foundation” . The library’s Assistant Director Lorri Steinbacher will step into the director when Green retires on January 1st.

The King of Con by Thomas Giacomaro and Natasha Stoynoff

2 thoughts on “Retiring Ridgewood Library Director Nancy Greene Honored

  1. Do you know this looks very political. It’s nice that wearing thanking her for her years of service that’s all I’m good, but what about all the other Workers that have retired in the past few years no recognition.

  2. So true , no thanks for the sanitation employees retire. It’s all ways fire, police,village hall, we must be lower then fish poop.

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