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“WOKE” Mob Goes After Ridgewood Police Chief

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photos by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, according to  the Bergen Recorrd a co-founder of Ridgewood for Black Liberation and her attorney are calling for state, county and local officials to investigate the Ridgewood Police Department after she was arrested during an Independence Day march. Thria Margareth Bernabe, 22, was arrested Saturday while participating in a peaceful Black Lives Matter protest in Ridgewood, her hometown. She is scheduled to appear in Ridgewood municipal court July 23.

Ridgewood Police Chief Jacqueline Luthcke in June gave a “very moving and uplifting speech at the “Black Lives matter Unity Event” and controversial took a knee , now the same “WOKE” mob is after her.

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26 thoughts on ““WOKE” Mob Goes After Ridgewood Police Chief

  1. Obviously some people have been smoking way too much dope during the lockdown if they think Jackie is at fault. Get real people.

  2. Jackie it was dumb to knee now they want your head

  3. It’s almost over…the rats will go back into hiding…

  4. The chief has done a commendable job. The idiots were warned not to block the street or they would be arrested, they did, so they were. It’s all a publicity stunt. Shame on them.

  5. U never apologize to the mob. They don’t want justice as much as they want power. And once u submit to them, they realize u are weak and they can control u and their demands won’t stop.

  6. It’s a hassle. Identify ppl with $, stage an arrest, attack police for “overreach,” neuter the police into inaction, bring the mob to intimidate civilians, collect protection $. A standard socialist program. I’ve seen it in Eastern Europe, LATAM, etc. Ridgewood should rally behind our PD and tell the Marxist “kids” to go F themselves. That’s the only language they understand.

  7. It’s well known that the Ridgewood police department thinks it’s above it’s “citizen clientele”. There are countless cases of police overreach. This is just one more example.

    The person arrested will sue. And we, the taxpayers, will pay. Rinse, repeat.

    Let’s address the root cause of the issue: clean house in the RPD and get ourselves real “civil servants” (not cops who think they’re above the citizens – taxpayers – they are sworn to protect and SERVE).

  8. This is what happens when you appease the mob. They never will stop

  9. This news story is pretty on the mark : Narcissists, Psychopaths, and Manipulators Are More Likely To Engage in ‘Virtuous Victim Signaling,’ Says Study

  10. Come on people. The police were doing their job. The girl was trying to get arrested. Some assholes crave this kind of controversy. The young woman is a known instigator. We all support you Jackie.

  11. In my 25 years in Ridgewood my experience with the RPD has always been constructive. This kid was trying to get arrested. Be careful what you wish for. Don’t apply at my company for a job.

  12. People have a right to protest and police have the duty to keep order while protecting the rights of all. In a democracy, these events are often difficult.

  13. The marxist mob never gets enough. Police need to be strong and not give in like Chief did with kneeling. I hope she learned her lesson. Do your job and apply the law and stay away from trying to appease any side. Stay strong.

  14. It’s not about power it’s about equality and respect for all but for folks to leave evil disrespectful comments is wrong you see it’s that type of behavior that causes these protests especially a town like RIDGEWOOD it’s like a colt town that’s behind in time to many old homes on small lots crammed together no new air to breathe new faces and a fresh new set of eyes it’s time for change but those folks had it there way so long they think it’s normal but it’s not

    1. Bill have you ever been to Ridgewood ?

  15. Some of you guys in the comments are disgusting. You know nothing about black history or why people are protesting. Black people have been fighting for equality for over 400 years. Educate yourselves before you speak. Stop being Karen’s & Kens & pick up a damn history book. Black people have to work 10 times harder than a white man or woman just because we’re black. You’ll never understand but at least stand for what’s right. You people disgust me.
    A young BLACK a woman

  16. Kyla, you may find it surprising, but there are tens of thousands of highly successful black bankers, lawyers, doctors, media executives and other professionals just 30 min drive away. I’ve no idea if they worked 10x harder than some “white benchmark.” Even if they did, having somehow not benefited from affirmative action, what’s wrong with working harder? Jews done that for 2k years and it served them well. Immigrants from all over the world work their asses off in US and proud of it. Some hardly speak English. Some are on slave visa terms where they can’t switch jobs because their employer owns their visa. And that’s just professionals. What about all those Hispanics, whites, and immigrants of every shade who bust their asses building homes, picking up trash, working cash registers, etc etc? They just chill? If your complaint is that some people have harder lives than others… so what? On the other hand, if you’re a Marxist who wants free sh!t because it’s “just,” I recommend you find somewhere else to go. Ridgewood is a nice town for families and hard-working people. We don’t appreciate hustlers here.

  17. I wasn’t at the event. But common sense they should’ve never ever stepped foot in the street. If any of them would’ve got hit it would’ve been on them. Not the driver of the vehicle. The police were there for their own safety, so no one would get hit by a car. No one stating that they can’t demonstrate their belief. They could’ve went into the park where it’s safe. You don’t need to walk on any kind of road . They think they’re getting the message across by blocking traffic they just causing other kind of problems. There are so many seat locations throughout this area you do not need to be on the road. This is not a parade. This is starting to get really out of hand. If it was my kid I would tell them you were wrong for not obeying the police. Yelling screaming speeding throwing debris at the police is 100% wrong. I don’t care how you look at it by doing so is just another form of assault. They are doing the job by keeping everyone safe. Not once did he ever say you can’t demonstrate. No one‘s taking your right of freedom of speech away from you. Just do it safely how hard is that.

  18. Just another observation: friend in NYC near a “protest”. The “protesters” where he was were vast majority white young people throwing the finger and yelling obscenities at the NYPD standing nearby and the NYPD were vast majority minorities.

  19. Do we know if these malingerers got paid for their little parade…?

  20. You people disgust me.
    A young BLACK a woman

    What does that mean? “You people”

  21. Bill said “folks”

  22. Do you know what folks, something is not jiving in here.

    You Want a piece of me.

  23. Trump is gonna win again….these people are making it easy for him.

  24. Oh yes Trump in 2020. We will make America great again. You’ve got to be a fool if you think you’re buying is going to make this country strong.

  25. Oh yes ,,,

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