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Wyckoff Gets a New Eagle Scout

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photo courtesy of Assemblyman Christopher DePhillips

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Wyckoff NJ, Assemblyman Christopher DePhillips (pictured) and Senator Kristin M. Corrado Congratulate  Wyckoff’s  Aidan Patton, for attaining the rank of Eagle Scout. This, of course, takes years of dedicated and exceptional effort. Aidan’s project was amazing, demonstrating his compassion and commitment to those less fortunate than he. It was my honor to present this proclamation to Aidan on behalf of the Legislative Delegation in the 40th District, which attests to his dedication and tremendous work ethic.

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Ridgewood Native, 26, Dies In Pennsylvania Car Crash

nebula 11.10

Photograph of the Rosette Nebula by Michael Capurso, shared on Instagram @capurso_photography on March 15, 2021

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood native, Karate instructor at Ridgewood Karate Academy and undergraduate astronomy major Michael Capurso, died following an automobile accident on November 8th.  He was 26.

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Ridgewood Eagle Scout Court of Honor

eagle scout

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Alexander C. Melarti, a member of the Boy Scout Troop # 7 and a resident of Ridgewood, has earned the honor of
Eagle Scout, the highest rank that the Boy Scouts offers. Only 3 to 4
percent of Boy Scout members ever attain this prestigious honor.

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Mayor and State Assemblymen Pay Tribute to Eagle Scout

Mayor and State Assemblymen Pay Tribute to Eagle Scout

March 19,2018
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood Mayor Susan Knudsen and Assemblyman Chris DePhillips paid a visit to the Eagle Scout Court of Honor, to congratulate Eagle Scout Max !

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Boy Scouts Welcomes Girls 

Boyd Scouts

October 11, 2017
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Research reinforces interest expressed by families and girls nationwide as organization looks to offer programs that meet the needs of today’s families

Irving, Texas , Today, the Boy Scouts of America Board of Directors unanimously approved to welcome girls into its iconic Cub Scout program and to deliver a Scouting program for older girls that will enable them to advance and earn the highest rank of Eagle Scout. The historic decision comes after years of receiving requests from families and girls, the organization evaluated the results of numerous research efforts, gaining input from current members and leaders, as well as parents and girls who’ve never been involved in Scouting – to understand how to offer families an important additional choice in meeting the character development needs of all their children.

“This decision is true to the BSA’s mission and core values outlined in the Scout Oath and Law. The values of Scouting – trustworthy, loyal, helpful, kind, brave and reverent, for example – are important for both young men and women,” said Michael Surbaugh, the BSA’s Chief Scout Executive. “We believe it is critical to evolve how our programs meet the needs of families interested in positive and lifelong experiences for their children. We strive to bring what our organization does best – developing character and leadership for young people – to as many families and youth as possible as we help shape the next generation of leaders.”

Families today are busier and more diverse than ever. Most are dual-earners and there are more single-parent households than ever before [1], making convenient programs that serve the whole family more appealing. Additionally, many groups currently underserved by Scouting, including the Hispanic and Asian communities, prefer to participate in activities as a family. Recent surveys [2] of parents not involved with Scouting showed high interest in getting their daughters signed up for programs like Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts, with 90 percent expressing interest in a program like Cub Scouts and 87 percent expressing interest in a program like Boy Scouts.  Education experts also evaluated the curriculum and content and confirmed relevancy of the program for young women.

“The BSA’s record of producing leaders with high character and integrity is amazing” said Randall Stephenson, BSA’s national board chairman. “I’ve seen nothing that develops leadership skills and discipline like this organization.  It is time to make these outstanding leadership development programs available to girls.”

Starting in the 2018 program year, families can choose to sign up their sons and daughters for Cub Scouts. Existing packs may choose to establish a new girl pack, establish a pack that consists of girl dens and boy dens or remain an all-boy pack.  Cub Scout dens will be single-gender — all boys or all girls. Using the same curriculum as the Boy Scouts program, the organization will also deliver a program for older girls, which will be announced in 2018 and projected to be available in 2019, that will enable them to earn the Eagle Scout rank. This unique approach allows the organization to maintain the integrity of the single gender model while also meeting the needs of today’s families.

This decision expands the programs that the Boy Scouts of America offers for both boys and girls. Although known for its iconic programs for boys, the BSA has offered co-ed programs since 1971 through Exploring and the Venturing program, which celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2018. The STEM Scout pilot program is also available for both boys and girls

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Eagle Scout Raptor Nesting Project Gets Ok from Ridgewood Council

Eagle Scout Raptor Nesting Project Gets Ok from Ridgewood Council

photo just kidding 

September 28,2017
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ,at the Village Councill session of Wednesday night  Eagle Scout Tyler Hansen presented his Raptor Nest placement project to the council. The project took 85 hours of work and took 12 volunteers from troop 5. Locations around the Village were chosen because they were good for the birds.  There will be 4 prime locations and some back ups, of which the nests will be 12 – 20 feet off the ground . The Eagle Scouts are working hand in hand with the Ridgewood Department of Parks and Recreation .

Locations are 20 pound, Maple field by the river, the Stable by the river, Maple field by the garden , Vets field south of the foot bridge , Stevens field by the river , and  Somerville walkway .

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Raptors are birds of prey and eat mice, rabbits, squirrels and other rodents .

So What’s a Raptor? Rap-tor (rap’-tər) n.

[Latin, from rapere, to seize]Any of various birds of prey, including hawks, eagles, falcons and owls, distinguished by strong hooked beaks and taloned feet.

Raptors are an important part of nature’s intricate system of checks and balances.  They help maintain stability in the living world, and it is important to preserve them for their biological significance alone.  Furthermore, they are beautiful and intriguing creatures, the epitome of wildness and freedom; their very existence adds quality to our lives.  (

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Three scouts from Ridgewood soar to top rank



RIDGEWOOD – When he first began Boy Scouts, Christian Seremetis already had an ultimate goal in mind: to become an Eagle Scout.

“My dad was really the spark that started the fire,” explained the 16-year-old. “My dad was an Eagle Scout, so I need to be an Eagle Scout.”

He was awarded that rank last month — along with his two fellow scouts from Ridgewood’s Boy Scout Troop 5, Brendan Cherrey and Dylan Hansen — at an Eagle Court of Honor ceremony in front of a crowd of family members, younger scouts and local dignitaries at First Presbyterian Church, the troop’s sponsor. Seremetis explained why he decided to pursue the hardest and highest advancement in Boy Scouts — a rank accomplished by only 7 percent of scouts nationwide.

“It wasn’t pressure as much as it was my own interest in doing it,” said Seremetis. “I’m the youngest of three kids. When you’re the youngest kid, when anyone older than you does something, you want to [match that]. In this case, it’s my dad.”

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At 14, Ridgewood resident set to become an Eagle Scout


At 14, Ridgewood resident set to become an Eagle Scout

JUNE 20, 2014    LAST UPDATED: FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 2014, 12:31 AM

With a makeshift shelter collapsed, rain pelted Vaed Prasad square on his face. A once billowing campfire was extinguished by the downpour, leaving Prasad in the middle of nowhere, nothing but darkness and the unknown of the upstate New York wilderness around him.

The worsening conditions even drove a friend and fellow Boy Scout from the secluded grounds in favor of the main camp, where safety and comfort were more readily available. It certainly wasn’t the ideal way to earn the Wilderness Survival merit badge, but Prasad stayed put at a time he could have fled.

“I was all alone in a place known with bears and other dangerous animals, and I might have thought about leaving. But I persevered because it was another milestone that I was excited about,” recalled Prasad. “Looking back … it was a good experience. When I was lying in my bed a week later, I realized how we take some of these things for granted. Sometimes, we forget how important it is to have things such as shelter.”

Prasad has learned a lifetime of lessons, many of them through his scouting experiences. His pursuit for the Wilderness Survival badge, which he eventually earned after that fateful night a few years back, demonstrated a commitment and fortitude uncommon for a teenager, and that type of dedication has paid off.

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