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Reader says ,Jewish residents, “should be more concerned with the Democratic party’s anti-semitic position”

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photo by Boyd Loving

“The Jewish residents of NJ have good cause to be unsettled regarding BLM, and the rampant anti-semitism they believe in.

However, they should be more concerned with the Democratic party’s anti-semitic position. There has never been so much as a “no” spoken by Democrats against attacks being made against Jews. Anyone remember the Hanukkah celebration a few months ago? Shaheen; Cortez; De Blasio; Omar; Warren; Biden and yes, Obama and his cohort of Rev. Wright, Sharpton et al, they are all as guilty as sin of failing to condemn, and in fact outright support of such attacks.

The evil grew the same way in 1933 – Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves. Oust the Dems! “

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Black Lives Matter Promotion of Antisemitism Unsettles Ridgewood Residents

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photo courtesy of Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the death of unarmed black man George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer was a flash-point for US race relations, setting off massive protests that spread around the world, including Ridgewood .
The demonstrations endorsed the simple messages that “black lives matter”, that the blood of minorities is not cheap and the injustices they face, past and present, must be addressed much more vigorously.

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“Stuck on Stupid” Media Fails Once Again to Properly Report the Facts of the Ongoing Terror Attacks against Jews

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Money NY, Grafton Thomas was named as the suspect accused of stabbing multiple Jewish people with a large knife at a Monsey, New York rabbi’s home during Hanukkah celebrations in Rockland County, New York. It was the latest in a series of attacks against Jewish people in New York.

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Democrats Turn on Israel

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog 

Ridgewood NJ, Recent polls indicate Democrats are becoming more comfortable holding a skeptical view of Israel. A poll by YouGov for the Economist said just a quarter of Democrats see Israel as an ally, compared to 57 percent of Republicans.

One Democratic House candidate has pledged that she will vote against bills that include aid to Israel, denouncing what she saw as the “injustice” of Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians. Another wrote that “Israel has hypnotized the world” with its “evil doings.”Still another helped write a scathing book on relations between the United States and Israel, while Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a progressive political star expected to win a House seat in New York, condemned the “occupation of Palestine.”

Continue reading Democrats Turn on Israel
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Jewish Standard newspaper columnist Einstein Invites Jewish Community to Grassroots Activist Training

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hoboken NJ, NJ GOP State Committeeman Joshua Sotomayor Einstein invites the Jewish community to join fellow conservatives, libertarians, and Republicans to learn the fundamental tools needed to hold your elected leaders accountable at NJ’s premier Grassroots Activist Workshop. On Sunday, Mach 31, from 11am–5pm, at the beautiful Barsky Gallery (49 Harrison St) in Hoboken, smaller government and tax reform inclined citizens will learn how to get involved and make a difference in local elections and governance. The training will bring together Jews, Christians, Atheists, and people of many backgrounds from across New Jersey who want to build better communication, messaging, advocacy, and leadership skills. Parking is available free of charge; kosher lunch will be provided.

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Whats an Eruv to do with anything ?

William "Bill" Laforet

Mahwah Mayor William “Bill” Laforet

August 27,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Mahwah NJ, the Bergen Rockland Eruv Association got approval from the local utility company to use its poles for the eruv, Mahwah says the materials violate township’s 20 year old ordinance against posting on utility poles. At a meeting on Aug. 18 the council voted to issue summonses if the eruv was not removed.

The Bergen Rockland Eruv association claims the order violates their constitutional and civil rights. The religious group has threatened to sue Upper Saddle River if the town tries to remove the markers. And a federal lawsuit, has already been filed against Mahwah . Mahwah has brought in Holwell Shuster & Goldberg LLP to represent Mahwah Township in the lawsuit brought upon by the Rockland Bergen Eruv Fund.

Residents and elected officials of both Mahwah and Upper Saddle River have reacted with outrage and concern after seeing the eruv markings given their view that no one asked their permission. Most of Northern Bergen County  has viewed the eruv expansion as a power grab and a threat to their community autonomy .

A group called Mahwah Strong has been establish by local residents who have come together for the purpose of preserving the welcoming, inclusionary lifestyle of Mahwah Township. The group not a fan of the eruv but also distanced it self from recent acts of vandalism , reiterating they do not condone acts of vandalism.

Vandalism of the eruv pushed  Mahwah Police Chief James Batelli to issue a statement saying in the area of East Crescent Avenue  the eruvim was hit with “some type of blunt object” that damaged the piping. The incidents, according to the chief, likely happened on Friday evening. There were no reports of anyone seeing or hearing the vandalism occur.

Chief  Batelli said it “appears that the eruvs were specifically targeted,” and that the department is already investigating similar incidents that happened in July as a hate crime. Mahwah  Mayor Bill Laforet is offering a $1,000 reward for information about the vandalism.

So what is an eruv ,  an eruv, in modern terminology, is a technical boundary that allows Jews to carry in public areas on Shabbat. It is one of those traditions which has blossomed from a basic Torah principle into a highly complicated legal matter.

Under Jewish law on Shabbat, it is forbidden to carry anything–regardless of its weight, size or purpose–from a “private” domain into a “public” one or vice versa, or more than four cubits (approximately 6 feet) within a public domain. Private and public do not refer to ownership, rather to the nature of the area. An enclosed area is considered a private domain, whereas an open area is considered public for the purposes of these laws.

Practically, it is forbidden to carry something, such as a tallit bag or a prayer book from one’s home along the street and to a synagogue or to push a baby carriage from home to a synagogue, or to another home, on Shabbat.

The answer is a technical enclosure which surrounds both private and hitherto public domains and thus creates a large private domain in which carrying is permitted on Shabbat. Colloquially this is known as an eruv. The eruv is usually large enough to include entire neighborhoods with homes, apartments and synagogues, making it possible to carry on Shabbat, since one is never leaving one’s domain.

A wall can be a wall even if it has many doorways creating large open spacesIt is technical, because theoretically the eruv should be a wall. However, a wall can be a wall even if it has many doorways creating large open spaces. This means that a wall does not have to be solid. Therefore, the eruv enclosure may be created by telephone poles, for example, which act as the vertical part of a door post in a wall, with the existing cables strung between the poles acting as the lintel of the doorframe. As such, the entire “wall” is actually a series of “doorways.” Added to that there may be existing natural boundaries and fences.

While there are an increasing number of eruvs being established throughout the world in traditional Jewish communities, support for the practice is not universal.

There is the concern that if there is an eruv in a community, those who rely on it may very easily forget when they travel to communities without an eruv, and carry on Shabbat.

A second concern is that if the eruv breaks during Shabbat, no one will know. As a result, they will conduct themselves as if there still is a functioning eruv, this breaking the rules of Shabbat.

It is imperative that an expert rabbi oversee the construction of any eruv The final and perhaps the major concern is that because an eruv allows an exception to the prohibition against carrying on Shabbat, it is quite natural for anyone regularly using an eruv to forget that this is an exception; forgetting that there is a prohibition against carrying on Shabbat

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Report: Anti-Semitism, Violence Against Jews Surge on College Campuses

Star of David

Jewish students targeted ‘for harm’

BY: Adam Kredo
July 26, 2016 2:35 pm

Anti-Semitism surged on college campuses across the United States during the first part of 2016, according to a new study that found Jewish students supportive of Israel are being targeted “for harm.”

Nearly 100 more anti-Semitic incidents were recorded on U.S. college campuses during the first six months of 2016 compared with the same period in 2015, according to the report, published by the AMCHA Initiative, a group that works to combat discrimination against Jews.

In addition, “the number of incidents involving the suppression of Jewish students’ freedom of speech and assembly approximately doubled from 2015 to 2016,” according to the report, which also found that a massive uptick in anti-Israel behavior “was highly correlated with behavior that targeted Jewish students for harm.”

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Top DNC staffer apologizes for email on Sanders’ religion

Bernie Sanders

By Kristen East

07/23/16 06:15 PM EDT

A top staffer at the Democratic National Committee has apologized after suggesting that the organization use Bernie Sanders’ religious beliefs against him in the Democratic primary.

One email among the thousands of internal DNC messages released this week by Wikileaks showed DNC CFO Brad Marshall questioning Sanders’ Jewish faith, and suggested that painting the candidate as an atheist “could make several points difference” in several late primary contests.

Story Continued Below

“It might may (sic) no difference, but for KY and WVA can we get someone to ask his belief. Does he believe in a God. He had skated on saying he has a Jewish heritage. I think I read he is an atheist. This could make several points difference with my peeps. My Southern Baptist peeps would draw a big difference between a Jew and an atheist,” Marshall wrote in a message to several DNC communications directors.

The message does not mention Sanders by name, but he was the only Jewish candidate, and the email came shortly before the Kentucky and West Virginia Democratic primaries.

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Chief Rabbi Of Brussels: ‘No Future For Jews In Europe’


5:09 PM 11/25/2015

The chief rabbi of Brussels told an Israeli radio station Monday that there is no future for Jews in Europe, The Jerusalem Post reports.

Rabbi Avraham Gigi described the environment of fear in the Belgian capital since the city has been in lockdown following police terror raids across the country.

“There is a sense of fear in the streets, the Belgians understand that they too are targets of terror. Jews now pray in their homes [as opposed to at synagogues] and some of them are planning on emigrating,” Gigi said.

He explained, “Since Shabbat the city has been paralyzed. The synagogues were closed, something which has not happened since World War Two. People are praying alone or are holding small minyanim [small prayer groups] at private homes. Schools and theaters are closed as are most large stores and public events are not permitted. We live in fear and wait for instructions from the police or the government.”

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Cory Booker Convenes Emergency ‘Summit’ for Jews Upset Over Iran Vote


file photo by Boyd Loving

The Question Remains :What did Cory get to Vote for the Iran Nuke Deal ?
PolitickerNJ’s sister site,, is reporting that Sen. Cory Booker will be hosting a pair of meetings designed to shore up support in the Jewish community in the wake of his controversial decision to support the president’s Iran deal. PolitickerNJ Staff, Politickernj Read more

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Obama’s ‘shameful’ snub of Netanyahu



Photo from Congressman Darrell Issa ,had a great seat for Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech this morning.For Israel, the Iranian pursuit of a nuclear bomb is an existential threat. Is it any wonder they do not trust this administration to decide when Iran will obtain the weapon with which it threatens to wipe Israel off the map?

Obama’s ‘shameful’ snub of Netanyahu
By Darrell Issa5 P.M.MARCH 2, 2015

For all of the attention being given to the fact that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is coming to address Congress Tuesday, so many of those covering the upcoming speech have gotten it backward. The story is not that Benjamin Netanyahu is coming to the United States at the behest of congressional leaders. The story is that one of America’s closest allies in the world feels so alienated by President Obama that he believes his best hope in protecting his nation from a nuclear Iran lies in making his case directly to the American people, having lost confidence in a U.S. president who has rejected his counsel and sought to demonize and marginalize him. Put simply, rather than standing behind our allies, President Obama has thrown himself decisively in front of them, as an obstacle to be circumvented.

Though it is shameful that a staunch ally feels the need to go directly to the American people, it should not be surprising to those who have watched this administration’s actions. The attacks on Israel’s leader continued this week, as Secretary of State John Kerry questioned Prime Minister Netanyahu’s judgment, suggesting that Netanyahu’s support of American involvement in Iraq (involvement Kerry himself supported) somehow rendered him untrustworthy. National Security Adviser Susan Rice called his upcoming Capitol Hill speech “destructive.”

For Israel, the Iranian pursuit of a nuclear bomb is an existential threat. Is it any wonder they do not trust this administration to decide when Iran will obtain the weapon with which it threatens to wipe Israel off the map?

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Can Israel Survive?



Can Israel Survive?
Traditional pillars of the tiny democracy’s security have begun to erode.
By Victor Davis Hanson

Israel is the only liberal democracy in the Middle East and North Africa. Eight million Israelis are surrounded by some 400 million Muslims in more than 20 states. Almost all of Israel’s neighbors are anti-Israeli dictatorships, monarchies, or theocracies — a number of them reduced to a state of terrorist chaos.

Given the rise of radical Islam, the huge petrodollar wealth of the Middle East, and lopsided demography, how has Israel so far survived?

The Jewish state has always depended on three unspoken assumptions for its tenuous existence.

First, a democratic, nuclear Israel can deter larger enemies. In the Cold War, Soviet-backed Arab enemies understood that Israel’s nuclear arsenal prevented them from destroying Tel Aviv.

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‘Every single French Jew I know has left Paris’: Editor of Britain’s Jewish Chronicle claims people are fleeing terror-hit French capital


‘Every single French Jew I know has left Paris’: Editor of Britain’s Jewish Chronicle claims people are fleeing terror-hit French capital

Stephen Pollard says terror attack on Kosher store in Paris is no ‘fluke’
‘Every single French Jew I know has either left or is actively working out how to leave’, he said
Experts believe that more than 100,000 French Jews have left since 2013  
France’s Chief Rabbi has said after a number of attacks on Jews in the past year: ‘Jews murdered were targeted specifically because they were Jewish’
Policing stepped up across British Jewish areas, community body says
Mayor’s office has announced closure of shops in famous Jewish area

By Martin Robinson for MailOnline and James White for MailOnline

Published: 11:22 EST, 9 January 2015 | Updated: 15:02 EST, 9 January 2015

Jews are fleeing terror-hit Paris because of growing anti-Semitism in France, one of Britain’s most influential Jewish journalists said today.

Stephen Pollard, editor of the Jewish Chronicle, spoke out after an Islamic terrorist took six people hostage and held them captive in a Kosher supermarket in the French capital.

This afternoon police ordered all shops in a famous Jewish neighborhood in central Paris to close.

The mayor’s office in Paris announced the closure of shops along the Rosiers street in Paris’ Marais neighborhood, in the heart of the tourist district and less than a mile away from the offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo where 12 people were killed on Wednesday.

Hours before the Jewish Sabbath, the street is usually crowded with French Jews and tourists alike.

Mr Pollard said today’s terror attack in Paris, linked to the massacre at the office of Charlie Hebdo, will force more French Jews to flee the country.

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St. Cory’s Stunningly Shallow Worldview


St. Cory’s Stunningly Shallow Worldview

Jul. 27 Cory Booker

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

There are three dominant camps in the modern Democrat Party when it comes to the plight of Israel, Save Jerseyans:

1 – Those who straight-up hate Jews;

2 – Those who are so ideologically liberal and morally relativistic that they’re also reflexively anti-war/colonialism/military; the end result is unthinking, unsubstantiated and automatic opposition to the militarily-superior participant in any conflict regardless of any other considerations; and

3 – Those who, frankly, are naive and dumb enough in equal measure to believe that humanity can “Care Bear stare” its way out of any conflict with sufficiently positive social media activism.

I’ve seen no evidence that Cory Booker (D-Twitter) shares anything other than a party registration (which is bad enough) with group #1; as for camps #2 and #3, however, it’s obvious enough to anyone paying attention that our state’s celebrity junior center is living in a different reality from the rest of us (and certainly the poor citizens of Israel who weather a daily barrage of rocket fire).

This is the MOST substantive quote I could find from him on the subject tangentially related to Gaza:


“We have just enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love one another.” ― Jonathan Swift

Wow. Thanks for that, Senator.

– See more at:

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Odessa Jewish community mulls emergency evacuation


Odessa Jewish community mulls emergency evacuation

Odessa’s Jews are prepared to evacuate should the violence in the western Ukrainian city get significantly worse, several community leaders told The Jerusalem Post on Sunday.

Odessa’s Jewish community numbers some 30,000, down from nearly 40 percent of the city’s population before the Holocaust.

Running street battles between pro-Russian and nationalist forces claimed dozens of lives in the Black Sea port this weekend, culminating in the burning of dozens of pro-Russian protesters in the city’s trade union building on Friday evening.

The Odessa bloodshed came on the same day that Kiev launched its biggest push yet to reassert its control over separatist areas in the east, hundreds of kilometers away, where armed pro-Russian rebels have proclaimed a “People’s Republic of Donetsk.”

While Jewish community leaders are unanimous in asserting that the violence is unconnected to the Jewish community and that they do not feel specially targeted, they agreed that, should the situation deteriorate, it would be easy for the spillover to affect their constituents.

According to Rabbi Refael Kruskal – the head of the Tikva organization, which runs a network of orphanages and schools and provides social services to the city’s elderly – several of the wounded from Friday’s clashes were Jews, and the community is taking all necessary precautions.