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The End of Free Speech: 62% of Americans Say They Have Political Views They’re Afraid to Share

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photo by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, a new Cato national survey finds that self‐censorship is on the rise in the United States. Nearly two-thirds—62%—of Americans say the political climate these days prevents them from saying things they believe because others might find them offensive. The share of Americans who self‐censor has risen several points since 2017 when 58% of Americans agreed with this statement.

Clearly we have seen this in action even on a local level in Ridgewood. Name calling, bullying , “filtering” , silencing , group think , conformity, blind obedience ,right think , Facebook excommunication, boycotts and  trying to get people fired  has become part of life in Ridgewood .

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Ridgewood Sees Second Round of “Ridgewood for Black Liberation” Protests

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photos by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood Central Business District saw its second round of “Ridgewood for Black Liberation ” protests on Saturday . Many merchants were furious with the Village over the last minute warning .  many now threatening to leave the CBD for good.  The current murmur  is that the Village of Ridgewood has seen its day grows louder and louder by the minute .Residents already reeling from COVID-19 lockdown ,fearing the Murphy property tax surcharge  are stepping up their escape plans .

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