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Cris Kaufman Looks to Exclude a Large portion of Ridgewood Residents From Serving on the School Board

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, first they eliminate the school budget vote now they want to restrict who can serve on a school board . Resident  Aditya Sing  posts his observations on Facebook of the Ridgewood Board of Education debate ,”  you should be very offended by Mr. Kaufman’s statement about excluding almost half of the Ridgewood residents as BOE Trustee, as tax payers they are as much invested as us and actually help set off the school tax cost of school parents, as someone who want to continue living and contribute to Ridgewood and doesn’t wants to put a “for Sale” sign on my home, the day my Child graduates, I am disappointed about an attempt to exclude a large section of residents, while lip serving “DEI” mandates (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion).”

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Reader Calls Chris Kaufman, “a fractured Board Member”

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Chris (Kaufman) is a fractured Board Member, all he does at this point is raise opposing views for no other reason than to hear his own voice, most of his arguments are just for the sake of arguing because of the changing dynamics of the school board which he has no control over. When a board is ‘fractured’ by just one member it can barely function. Why is it that a tenured board member, chooses to run for re-election with his buddy (“Lastly, I have chosen to run with my friend Mahmoud.”) ? It’s because he realizes that he can no longer stand on his own two feet, and in addition, to present an even deeper divide to the board in the event that they both are elected. Chris should finish his term, and leave his volunteer post, there is only positive in having served, by running for re-election all he is doing is cementing a negative, lets do him a favor and keep him on the positive side of the volunteer ledger and cast your vote for a fresh volunteer board member. Mahmoud is barely present, so no mention.

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Vote-By-Mail: Most Voters Think It Will Cause More Cheating

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, last year’s election featured mail-in voting as a measure to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic, but now more states are making vote-by-mail permanent, and nearly two-thirds of voters believe the result will be more cheating in elections.

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Washington DC, President Trump’s re-election campaign today filed a federal lawsuit in Michigan citing multiple witness accounts of irregularities, incompetence, and unlawful vote counting. The suit relies on affidavits from witnesses who say they saw election officials counting ineligible ballots, counting batches of the same ballots multiple times, counting illegal late ballots and pre-dating them, accepting ballots deposited in drop boxes after the deadline, and duplicating ballots illegally. It also documents how defendant Wayne County used faulty ballot tabulators that miscounted votes for President Trump as votes for the Biden-Harris ticket.


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US Supreme Court challenge against Governor Murphy’s “Vote by Mail”

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Linwood NJ, former Senate Candidate Hirsh Singh  announces US Supreme Court  challenge against Governor Murphy’s “Vote by Mail ‘.

Singh says, “We are officially docketed in the US Supreme Court against Phil Murphy for violating Article 1, Section 4 of the US Constitution and forcing an illegal unconstitutional Vote-By-Mail election onto New Jersey that has destroyed our election integrity and has been replicated across the country to undermine President Donald J. Trump . We have also directly challenged the use of the US Postal Service for Vote-By-Mail since it directly violates the Freedom of Information Act without any commensurate Federal Law to provide mandatory federal transparency.”

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How To Vote In 2020 In South Orange And Maplewood NJ

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If you live in the Maplewood and South Orange townships, you will have noticed that there have been some new additions to the areas as of late. Drop boxes for your voter ballots. They were put in place by the Essex County Clerk, and the locations you can find them at are at the Gazebo on Sloan Street in South Orange right outside of the train station and 1618 Springfield Ave if you
live in Maplewood.

Continue reading How To Vote In 2020 In South Orange And Maplewood NJ

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“One Village One Vote” Team Resorts to Desperate Measures – BIG LIE

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Sadly, the desperate “One Village One Vote” faction has now resorted to defaming residents who disagree with their position by facilitating the spread of blatant lies about dissenters on the heavily censored Ridgewood Moms and Dads Facebook page (a page administered by Ms. Siobhan Crann Winograd, a “One Village One Vote” petitioner).

For the record, I did NOT seek to “overturn” May’s municipal election results as a Mr. Charles Kime suggests in a recent post made on Moms and Dads, and NO e-mail addresses of any Ridgewood voters were included in the response to my OPRA for information about the validity of mailed in ballots associated with that election.

I challenge Mr. Kime to produce any evidence of intent on my part to “overturn” May’s municipal election results, or that I was responsible for supplying the names and e-mail addresses of Ridgewood voters to the “Keep Our Vote” organization.

Lastly, please vote NO on the municipal question via the mail in ballot you recently received.

Thank you.


Boyd A. Loving

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Glen Rock Police Urges Residents to show Respect for their Neighbors and Fellow Citizens on Election Signs


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Glen Rock NJ, The Glen Rock Police Department continues to receive periodic reports of stolen election signs from residents.  While these thefts are an occurrence every election season, entering onto someone’s yard and taking their personal property remains unlawful.  Regardless of which candidates you support, citizens are urged to show respect for their neighbors and fellow citizens.

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Incorrect Ballots Have Been Sent to Residents in Teaneck


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Teaneck NJ, according to Assemblywoman Holly Schepisi, If you live in Teaneck and potentially surrounding communities in Bergen County please make sure you received a correct mail in ballot from the County Clerk before you vote and send it in. Apparently there were incorrect ballots sent to residents with Congressman Josh Gottheimer and Congressman Bill Pascrell on the ballot for districts they don’t even represent. In Teaneck alone it’s impacted over 7,000 voters. Check and make sure the candidates you are voting for actually are your district’s candidates. New ballots are being printed for those households identified as receiving a wrong ballot. If you are one of those households and have already sent in a ballot please be aware that ballot WILL NOT BE COUNTED. You must vote again when your new ballot comes. Universal mail in ballots…..what could possible go wrong in New Jersey?

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Governor Murphy Continues Ignore Vote By Mail Ballot Issues

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Totowa NJ, in response to news that 200 mail-in ballots were found next to a dumpster this weekend, Senator Kristin Corrado and Senator Michael Testa urged Governor Phil Murphy to acknowledge the recurring problems with vote-by-mail ballots and to allow New Jerseyans to vote securely in person on voting machines this November.

In response to news that 200 mail-in ballots were found next to a dumpster, Sens. Kristin Corrado and Michael Testa urged Gov. Phil Murphy to acknowledge the recurring problems with VBM ballots. (

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Ridgewood Residents – An Important Question on Your Ballot

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Dear Ridgewood Neighbor,

You will lose your right to vote on every school budget unless you VOTE NO on the November Municipal Ballot Question on page 3 of your general election ballot. The question asks if we should move our local spring elections to November.

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Councilwomen Lorraine Reynolds Explains the Ridgewood Ballot

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photo by Boyd Loving

Hello Friends and Neighbors,

Everyone should have gotten their ballot yesterday or today. This is not a sample ballot. It’s the real thing. Ridgewood will only have 3 polling places open, and they are for the disabled only. If you go to a polling location on election day, they will hand you a provisional (paper) ballot, & will only be counted if the election is close. Please don’t risk it.

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Senator Kristin Corrado, ’ We need to ensure the accuracy and fairness of the many crucial local, county, state, and federal elections so the rightful winners may best represent the citizens of New Jersey.”

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the staff of the Ridgewoood blog

Totawa NJ, Senator Kristin Corrado penned multiple letters to New Jersey Secretary of State Tahesha Way to request that the election process be made fully transparent while ensuring both County Clerks and the Board of Elections can deliver fair and accurate election results.

Continue reading Senator Kristin Corrado, ’ We need to ensure the accuracy and fairness of the many crucial local, county, state, and federal elections so the rightful winners may best represent the citizens of New Jersey.”

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‘The Mail Box is Not the Ballot Box’

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, New Jerseyans will not be able to vote in person in November under an executive order signed last week by Governor Murphy.

“The mail box is not the ballot box,” said Senator Kip Bateman. “Voting, in person voting, is the centerpiece of our freedom, but in Murphy’s New Jersey, residents cannot go to the polls this fall for a presidential election and vote in person. That baseless decision shuns tradition and defies our American rights, chipping away at the essence of our democracy.”

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