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The Village of Ridgewood Shade Tree Division Tree Planting is Underway

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photo by Boyd Loving
by Boyd Loving
Ridgewood NJ, according to resident Boyd Loving , “Shade tree planting in the Village is underway right now, and there are three (3) different contractors doing this year’s plantings. Painted markings like this indicate the locations at which planting will take place.”

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Planning Board Public Hearing : The Final Draft of the Village of Ridgewood Master Plan October 20th

high density housing 222

Final Draft + 10/20 Public Hearing

Ridgewood NJ, we mentioned this before but with all that happening it seems to be lost , the Final Draft of the Village of Ridgewood Master Plan – Section 1: Our Village, Our Future is complete. Click here to download the Final Draft (20 mb, PDF). A Planning Board public hearing on its adoption will be held on October 20, 2020.

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Man Killed Falling from Tree in Ridgewood


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, according to sources in the Village a tree service worker fell to his death on Thursday in Ridgewood. The gentleman worked for Arrow Tree Service located in Old Tappan  and fell from a tree at a Waiku Road home off Carlton Terrace at around 8:40 a.m.

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Become a Backyard Naturalist !

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog


Ridgewood NJ, Wondering what is located in your own backyard, that bird you saw on your last hike or how to learn more about the environment around you? The Division of Fish and Wildlife has created online learning resources for learning about our environment. There are:

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Tree Tumbles on Single Family Home in Glen Rock

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Glen Rock NJ, no injuries were reported by the occupants of a single family home located in the 300 block of Ackerman Avenue, Glen Rock after a municipally owned tree crashed into it on Thursday afternoon, 04/09. Glen Rock Police and Glen Rock Fire Department responded to the incident. The fallen tree appeared to have caused minimal structural damage.

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National Wildlife Federation Certifies New Wildlife Habitat At Two Chestnut Street Green, Hillsdale


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hillsdale  NJ,  The National Wildlife Federation (NWF), America’s largest wildlife conservation and education organization, is pleased to announce that “2 Chestnut Street Green” in Hillsdale, New Jersey, has successfully created a Certified Wildlife Habitat through its Garden for Wildlife program.  Additionally, 2 Chestnut Green has been co-certified with NWF’s state affiliate The New Jersey Audubon.

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Ridgewood Central Business District Trees Get Update

cbd trees

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood Mayor Ramon M Hache points out some ascetic and safety updates in the CBD ,”You may have noticed work being done on the tree wells throughout the downtown. We are removing the brick bands which were a tripping hazard and car door nuisance. Most importantly, they were an impairment to the trees by diverting water and limiting the amount that irrigated the soil.”

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High Winds Take out Tree in Glen Rock

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Photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Glen Rock NJ, High winds take out a tree in Glen Rock. Glen Rock Police Patrol Officer Adam Pyatak responded to a reported downed tree in front of 17 Edgemont Road, Glen Rock on Thursday morning, 10/17. The Borough of Glen Rock owned tree smashed into two (2) homes, but injured no one. Officer Pyatak used a hand saw to remove several small tree branches to enable one of the homeowners to back a vehicle out of a garage. Electric power outages were reported by several nearby residents.

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PSE&G Pruning Near Distribution Lines


thet staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, PSE&G is currently doing some proactive tree trimming . This program is part of the reason PSE&G has been consistently named the one of the most reliable electric utilities in the region.

Many communities in New Jersey have lower-voltage utility wires called distribution lines. Unlike transmission lines, which are usually connected to large metal towers, distribution lines can be found on utility poles located alongside roadways or in easements along property lines.

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BID Notice – Tree Planting at Various Locations in Village of Ridgewood

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Informal proposals will be received by the Village of Ridgewood, in the Village Hall Level Three Conference Room, 131 North Maple Avenue, Ridgewood, New Jersey 07450, on Friday, September 27, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. prevailing time, and then publicly opened and read aloud for the following project

“Tree Planting Various Locations,

In the Village of Ridgewood”.

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Reader says “Boswell, the NJDEP and NJ LSRP are all complicit in allowing the simultaneous deforestation of 100 acres”

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“The ENGINEER is expected to be an engineer. The boroughs have gore Boswell engineering. Boswell, the NJDEP and NJ LSRP are all complicit in allowing the simultaneous deforestation of 100 acres; leaving a veritable desert, ripe for the erosion that ensued since the winter of 2017. People HAVE been complaining to all these entities, only to be ignored or told they have done everything within their power to control what is an uncontrolled situation. They have lied on multiple occasions to many different people…all of them. And they’ve refused to accept what has been proven: arsenic is being dumped…because to accept that would shine a light on their own mistake, in having allowed the entire property to have been “remediated” all at once. The Borough of USR has tried to pass the buck by stating that NJ DEP allowed that…but Boswell, and de facto the the town, had the authority to intervene. THE FAILURE IS ON ALL LEVELS. And Toll Brothers has done nothing that it wasn’t directed to do by the authorities. This is all at the feet of the regulators.”

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A Tree Grows in Ridgewood


photo courtesy of Village Shade Tree

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, its planting season and according to Councilman Sedon the Village of Ridgewood is in the process of planting 140 street trees throughout the Village.

The Shade Tree Division is responsible for the maintenance and care of approximately 15, 000 Village owned street trees on 100 miles of public ways, as well as additional trees and shrubs in parks and on other public grounds. This includes all aspects, such as removal, planting, and pruning. The Shade Tree Division does a tree planting for Arbor Day, which is usually the last Friday in April. The division currently offers a memorial tree/bench program to honor the memory of a friend or family member.

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Reader says Hollow sycamores can still lead long lives.

Graydon Iconic Tree

Hollow sycamores can still lead long lives.
Age and Changes
As a sycamores mature, the brown, gray and green bark on their lower trunk peels in patches. The colorful patches contrast with the white inner bark , forming a colorful mosaic. When sycamores get to be 200 years old, their sapwood no longer transfers minerals and water from their roots. Resins and tree wastes collect and harden in the heartwood or core of the tree. This heartwood frequently rots, but hollow sycamores can still lead long lives.