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Garden State Parkway Crash Leaves Car on shoulder of Route 4 westbound

Garden State Parkway Crash

photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook

April 24,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paramus NJ, A Honda SUV traveling southbound on the Garden State Parkway (GSP) near Route 4 in Paramus on Sunday evening, 04/23, careened off of the roadway’s right shoulder, down a steep embankment, and wound up on the grassy shoulder of Route 4 westbound near an entrance ramp to the GSP southbound. Witnesses reported that the vehicle completely flipped over at least once during the crash. Paramus PD, FD, EMS, and Rescue Squad personnel all responded to aid the driver, who was transported by ambulance to Hackensack University Medical Center’s (HUMC) main campus with life threatening injuries. A paramedic team from HUMC also responded to the scene. The crash is being investigated by a trooper from the New Jersey State Police GSP Patrol Division, Bloomfield Barracks.

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Route 17 southbound Closed this Morning due to Vehicle Rollover Accident

Route 17 southbound Closed this Morning due to Vehicle Rollover Accident

photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

January 29,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paramus NJ, A juvenile male occupant of a Ford Explorer sustained an arm injury during a crash in which the vehicle rolled over and landed on its roof at the intersection of Route 4 eastbound and Route 17 southbound, Paramus on Sunday morning, 01/29. Paramus PD, EMS, FD, and Rescue Squad personnel responded to the incident location. The Explorer was removed from the scene by a flatbed tow truck. The ramp from Route 4 eastbound to Route 17 southbound was closed while emergency responders worked.

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Saturday Night Pier One Parking Job Brings Paramus Police to the Scene

Saturday Night Pier One Parking Job Brings Paramus  Police to the Scene

photos courtesy of Boyd Lovings Facebook page

January 8, 2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paramus NJ, Paramus PD issued at least one (1) summons to the adult female driver of a 4-door Honda Accord following a Saturday evening, 01/07 crash in which the vehicle wound up inside the Pier One Imports store located at 723 Route 17 South in Paramus. No one was injured in the incident and there appeared to have been no significant structural damage to the store. The vehicle was removed from the store’s interior by a tow truck. Paramus EMS responded as a precaution; a Borough of Paramus building sub-code official was also present on the scene. Traffic on nearby Route 17 southbound was unaffected by the incident

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Tractor Trailer Rollover Impacts Christmas Shoppers Using Route 17 and Route 4

Tractor Trailer Rollover Impacts Christmas Shoppers Using Route 17 and Route 4

photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page
Tractor Trailer Rollover Impacts Christmas Shoppers Using Route 17 and Route 4
December 22,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paramus NJ, A flatbed tractor trailer carrying building materials rolled over on Route 4 Westbound after exiting the ramp from Route 17 Southbound on Thursday morning, 12/22. The truck driver was uninjured in the mishap. Local lanes of Route 4 Westbound were closed between Route 17 Southbound and the Garden State Parkway until the scene was cleared of the wrecked vehicle and debris. Response by Paramus PD, Paramus EMS, Bergen County Sheriff’s Office Patrol Division, NJ State Police, and NJDOT.

Paramus Police :The ramp from route 17 south to route 4 west is closed. Local lanes of Route 4 westbound will be closed, at route 17.Local lanes of Route 4 westbound will be closed until further 3:30 pm.

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Multi Alarm Fire On Paramus Road Guts Building

Multi Alarm Fire On Paramus Road Guts Building

photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

November 15,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paramus NJ, Paramus firefighters battled a multiple alarm fire at Denny Wiggers Landscaping, 387 Paramus Road, Paramus on Monday morning, 11/14. The structure involved was declared uninhabitable due to fire, smoke and water damage. All occupants safely evacuated the building prior to the arrival of fire department personnel. Paramus Road was closed in both directions near the incident scene. Paramus PD and EMS personnel also responded to the scene in force. Fire and rescue personnel from nearby municipalities staffed Paramus FD and Rescue Squad locations during the incident and provided relief at the fire scene.

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