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Allendale Building Sustains Minor Damage after Being Struck by Car

Allendale Building Sustains Minor Damage after Being Struck by Car

photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook Page

February 17,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Allendale NJ, Members of the Allendale Volunteer Ambulance Corps evaluated two (2) individuals in connection with a Thursday morning, 02/15, motor vehicle crash into a building at 111 West Allendale Avenue, Allendale. Two (2) adult females, the vehicle’s driver and an employee of the insurance office located in the building, appeared uninjured and both refused transportation to a local hospital for any treatment. The building sustained moderate damage but was rendered safe for occupancy. The SUV involved in the crash was removed from the scene by a flatbed tow truck.

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Judicial Watch : is the FBI Protecting James Comey?


February 13,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Allendale NJ, according to Judicial Watch , “the more we learn about the FBI under Allendale native James Comey’s supervision the more we have reason to question the activities of the fired FBI Director. Because he has left a trail of suspicious activities in is wake, Comey now stands out as key figure in the Deep State’s illicit attempts to target President Trump.”

And it looks like the Deep State is protecting Comey still. We were forced to file a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit for FBI records about former Director Comey’s book, which he signed to write in August 2017 and is set for publication in April 2018 (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice, (No. 1:18-cv-00220)).
Our suit also seeks records of communications between Comey and the FBI prior to and regarding Comey’s controversial June 2017 testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Judicial Watch filed on January 31 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia after the Justice Department failed to respond to our August 14, 2017, FOIA request for:
All records of communications between the FBI and Comey prior to and regarding Comey’s testimony before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence on June 8, 2017.
All records of communications between the FBI and Comey relating to an upcoming book to be authored by Comey and published.
All records, including but not limited to forms completed by Comey, relating to the requirement for prepublication review by the FBI of any book to be authored by Comey with the intent to be published or otherwise publicly available.

Comey reportedly received an advance in excess of $2 million for his book, Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership, reportedly set for publication on April 17th. Former FBI agents and officials intending to write books concerning their tenure are customarily required to submit the entire transcript for pre-publication review.

A month after President Trump fired Comey on May 9, 2017, Comey provided highly controversial testimony before the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence about the circumstances that led to his dismissal, the ongoing investigation into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and his handling of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s illicit email server. During that testimony, Comey admitted he leaked information about his conversations with President Donald Trump in order to get a special prosecutor appointed. (In November, we filed a separate FOIA lawsuit against the Justice Department for its records about Comey’s testimony.)
Comey seems to have protected status for any misconduct, and we want to know if he had a special deal for his book from his friends in the FBI. The Deep State is in cover-up mode. The FBI, DOJ, and the Special Counsel are stonewalling our requests for Comey documents.

We have several other lawsuits pending for Comey-related records:
Two lawsuits (hereand here) seek specifically the “Comey memos” ((Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice(No. 1:17-cv-01189)) and (Daily Caller News Foundation v. U.S. Department Justice (No. 1:17-cv-01830));
Onelawsuit seeks metadata of the “Comey memos” and related records-management information ((Judicial Watch, Inc., v. U.S. Department of Justice(No. 17-cv-01520));
And anotherlawsuit seeks non-disclosure agreements pertaining to the handling, storage, protection, dissemination, and/or return of classified information signed by Comey ((Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:17-cv-01624)).

On January 11, U.S. District Judge James E. Boasberg the FBI to turn over the “Comey memos” for in camera review by the court. In doing so, the court rejected arguments by the Sessions Justice Department to dismiss the lawsuits seeking the Comey information.

Unfortunately, on February 2, Boasberg ruled that the “Comey memos” would not be made public. Judicial Watch and the Daily Caller News Foundation almost immediately appealed the ruling. We don’t intend to let up in our pursuit of the truth about the egregious conduct of the FBI’s former director.

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Bee Swarm Takes on Ramsey Resident and Emergency Rescue Personnel

Bee Swarm Takes on Ramsey Resident and Emergency Rescue Personnel

photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook

July 15,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ramsey NJ, Ramsey Police, Fire , EMS, Rescue Squad and OEM personnel rushed to 62 Mardis Avenue, Ramsey on Saturday afternoon, 07/15, in response to a 911 telephone call reporting an adult male unconscious in the home’s driveway after being stung multiple times by a swarm of bees. It was several minutes before Ramsey PD and FD members could advance to the driveway area and remove him to a waiting ambulance. Multiple ambulances were subsequently called to the scene after at least two (2) other neighborhood residents were stung. A beekeeper was called to address the issue, but the area remained off limits to pedestrians for approximately three (3) hours until the bees calmed down. Allendale PD and EMS assisted at the scene, as did an ambulance from The Valley Hospital. A uniformed Ramsey PD officer was also among those stung; he was observed entering a ambulance for examination and treatment.

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Kelly: In Comey’s hometown, a mix of emotions as ex-FBI chief testifies

FBI  Director James Comey

Mike Kelly , Record Columnist, @MikeKellyColumn

Ed O’Connell, a contractor and loyal Republican, dropped by the Allendale Bar and Grill just before noon on Thursday to check on one of his town’s favorite sons.

It wasn’t that James Comey, the recently fired FBI director, had suddenly returned in person to the intimately connected North Jersey community where he grew up. But Comey’s presence was hard to miss.

As O’Connell sat on a barstool, sipping a ginger ale and munching on chicken tenders, Comey’s face peered down from two TV screens. And as Comey testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee in Washington, his calm, methodical voice seemed to fill every corner of the restaurant that he occasionally visits when he returns to Allendale.

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Major Gas Leak in Allendale Closes West Crescent near West Maple Thursday Night

Major Gas Leak in Allendale

photo courtesy of AVAC

Homeowners Evacuated 

February 17,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Allendale NJ, At this time, emergency repair on the gas main is still ongoing. Schools are closed and detours are still in place. Please continue to avoid the area.

Last night Allendale Fire Department and Allendale Police are on scene at a natural gas leak on West Crescent near West Maple. W. Crescent Avenue is closed by Crestwood. Keep away from area. Because of numerous road closures residents were asked to please try and avoid this area of Allendale if possible. Still an unknown timeframe as to when emergency work will be completed.

USRVAC 926 is operating on scene of a natural gas leak in Allendale in the area of W. Crescent and Hillside. USRVAC is supporting AllendaleOffice of Emergency Management, AVAC, AFD and fire units from Ramsey, Waldwick, Wyckoff and Saddle River. Additionally Upper Saddle PD is on scene for support to APD. ,AVAC 208 is operating on scene of a natural gas leak in the area of W. Crescent and Hillside. AVAC is supporting Allendale Office of Emergency Management, AFD and fire units from Ramsey, Waldwick, Wyckoff and Saddle River. Additionally Upper Saddle River EMS is on scene along with THV EMS. Also on scene is PSE&G.

Franklin Lakes Volunteer Fire Department Crews were standing by at Allendale Fire HQ to assist their town on a major gas leak

Due to gas leak and road repairs, Allendale schools will be closed today February 17th. Archer Cooperative Nursery School is also closed today due to a gas leak in Allendale.

Residents ,as the process of repairing the gas leak is completed there may be residual gas odor in areas around town. Please be patient as may roads have been closed off in an abundance of caution.

The gas leak emergency repair is still ongoing, but good news, if you were evacuated as a result of this, you MAY return to your residence at this time!

PSE&G repair is still going on. W Crescent Avenue from Borough Hall to W Allendale Ave and Hillside from W Crescent to Forest Rd will remain closed until the repairs are completed.
Allendale Borough Hall and The Lee Memorial Library will be opened today. Please access these building via Brookside Avenue.
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Reader says why pay to park in Ridgewood when I can Park for Free in Other Towns ?


I go to Glen Rock to eat, get a haircut, etc., I park, I pay nothing. I go to Midland Park to the hardware store or the shoe repair shop or others or to eat, I park, I pay nothing. I go to Wyckoff to shop or eat or go to the bakery, I park, I pay nothing. I go to Allendale to shop or eat, I park, I pay nothing. I go to Hawthorne for whatever (including, most often, the movie theater, but also restaurants and shops), I park, I pay nothing, and I don’t worry that the meter will expire before the movie is over, because there isn’t one. I go to Waldwick to the hardware store or to shop or eat, I park, I pay nothing. I go to Ramsey to shop or eat or go to the movies (two different ones), I park, I pay nothing, ditto re: worrying about meter expiring because there isn’t one. That’s not to mention free parking at Route 17 stores, strip malls, and bigger malls, and we won’t even mention the internet (can’t eat lunch or get a haircut there).

What is wrong with this picture? Ridgewood, my own town, is not so special that it’s worth paying so much to park and (more important) looking at my watch and worrying about risking a ticket, which we’ve been assured will soon be increased in price and monitored intensely.

Just no. Sorry. I am frankly embarrassed by this entire thing. We don’t need a garage and we are already paying too much to park. Entire project was a waste of time and resources and will only get worse. Even more distressing is that it’s not going to work. Could end up ripping the whole thing out just as the one-lane underpass road/suicide bike lane will eventually be replaced by the two lanes we had before.