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The Sale of the Allendale Water System to SUEZ for $18 Million will be put to referendum on the November 2, 2021

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the  staff of the Ridgewood blog

Allendale NJ,   the borough  of Allendale  is asking residents in the upcoming election to consider selling its water system to Suez Water for $18 million to improve its aging system. The Sale of the Allendale Water System to SUEZ for $18 Million will be put to referendum on the November 2, 2021 General Election Ballot.

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Orange & Rockland Tree-Trimming and Removal Programs are in Full Swing

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Allendale NJ, Orange & Rockland (O&R) professional contractors are pruning limbs and removing dead, dying and diseased ‘hazardous’ trees close to its overhead power lines and equipment to help reduce storm-related damage that can knock out power to customers.

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Allendale Senior Taken to Hackensack University Medical Center after Being Hit by a Pickup Truck

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Allendale NJ, a 63-year-old woman in Allendale suffered moderate injuries after she was struck by a truck Friday evening.  According to Police the woman was walking across West Orchard Street around 6:40 p.m. when she was hit by a Dodge pickup truck while she was walking in the crosswalk.

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Hawthorne author and Marine, Paul Chepurko,  publishes his fourth book “Small Town – Big Sacrifice IV”

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Hawthorne NJ, just in time for Veterans Day , Hawthorne author  and Marine, Paul Chepurko,  publishes his fourth book “Small Town – Big Sacrifice IV”, on area residents who died in America’s military conflict.
Small Town-Big Sacrifice IV , is the stories of the men and women from Ramsey and Allendale, New Jersey who made the supreme sacrifice . Its 41 Stories – 368 Pages – Over 100 Photographs and Images.

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Allendale Police Officers Save Choking Victim

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photo courtesy of Allendale Police Departement

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Allendale NJ, Allendale Mayor Ari Bernstein ,”So proud to be standing with Officers Helmer and Hubbard in front of Mezzaluna Bistro tonight. Our hometown heroes saved a life this evening. A patron from Park Ridge was choking and our officers sprang into action, performing CPR to revive her. Thank you to Allendale Police for everything you do!”

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Upper Saddle River and Allendale Receive a Drug-Free Communities Grant Aimed at Preventing Youth Substance Abuse.

neighborhood guide upper saddle river nj

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Upper Saddle River NJ, Upper Saddle River and Allendale receive a Drug-Free communities grant aimed at preventing youth substance abuse.

On Friday, December 28, 2019, the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) announced a new round of 42 grants for its Drug-Free Communities (DFC) Support Program. The Borough of Upper Saddle River had applied for this grant on behalf of the USRA Coalition, which is a partnership between Upper Saddle River and Allendale. The USRA was formed in 2017 with a mentoring grant and has become a well-recognized and active organization.

Continue reading Upper Saddle River and Allendale Receive a Drug-Free Communities Grant Aimed at Preventing Youth Substance Abuse.

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Scrap Metal Company Owner from Allendale Sentenced To 33 Months In Prison

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Allendale NJ, The minority owner of Cinelli Iron & Metal Co. (CIMCO) was sentenced today to 33 months in prison for operating a 17-year conspiracy that defrauded customers out of millions of dollars, U.S. Attorney Craig Carpenito announced.

Craig Cinelli, 49, of Allendale, New Jersey, previously pleaded guilty before U.S. District Judge Susan D. Wigenton to Count One of an indictment that charged him with conspiracy to commit wire fraud. Judge Wigenton imposed the sentence today in Newark federal court.

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Heroes & Horses BBQ

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Allendale NJ, reintegrating into society has many obstacles and often, isn’t always easy for veterans.

The Unbridled Heroes Project, founded by Mark and Amy Steppe, connect veterans, with rescue horses that have been previously abused to rehabilitate both our heroes and the horses. Together, the veterans learn how to properly train a horse while the horses regain their trust in humans.

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Bergen County Towns Embrace the 9pm Routine

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Allendale NJ, Allendale and many Bergen County Police Departments adapting the 9pm routine rule.

We are excited to join other agencies that have adopted #9pmroutine. The following items might seem simple, or even “routine” to some, but if that was the case the majority of towns in New Jersey and nationwide would not be having vehicles burglarized or even stolen, or houses entered, etc.

Set an alarm on your phone to go off daily at 9 PM and take a quick moment to make sure your key fob is not in your car, use that same fob to make sure your vehicle is locked and continue down the list.

We all lead busy lives, but if you have this alarm to remind you to do all these things, you are saving yourself from the potential to have criminal activity happen to you.

If you have any questions, you can call police headquarters at 201-825-1900 for further information or suggestions.

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Unbridled Heroes Project Founders Honored at Home Town Heroes Awards

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photo courtesy of Ridgewood Mayor Ramon Hache

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Mahwah NJ,  Friday, December 14, U.S. Congressman Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5) hosted his third Hometown Hero Awards, honoring North Jersey residents who have made outstanding contributions to our community. Fifth District Hometown Heroes Awards were presented to community leaders, first responders, veterans, members of the business community, students, and seniors to recognize their dedication to improving the lives of their neighbors, families, and all Jersey residents.

Congressman Gottheimer (NJ-5) said, “Today’s awardees are bound by a shared sense of duty – to their families, their communities, and their country. They are our veterans, our firefighters, our first responders, our educators, and our family – our brothers and sisters and our sons and daughters. None of these people stood up because they sought recognition, they did it because they wanted to do what was right. That’s what Jersey Values are about and that’s what makes me certain that we live in the greatest country in the world. On behalf of the Fifth District, I couldn’t be more proud to honor these Hometown Heroes today.”

Mark and Amy Steppe were honored as 5th Congressional District Hometown Heroes for their military service and their Unbridled Heroes Project. The Steppes founded The Unbridled Heroes Project as a way of helping other veterans. The organization rescues abused mustangs and pair them with veterans in need of healing at their Allendale facility.

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The Unbridled Heroes Project in Allendale has officially gotten our first Wild Mustang!!

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photo courtesy of the Unbridled Heroes Project

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Allendale NJ, The Unbridled Heroes Project has officially gotten our first Wild Mustang!! We are a non-profit in Allendale, NJ!!!

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Rollover Crash on Franklin Turnpike takes Out Utility Pole

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

the staff of the Ridgewood bog

Allendale NJ, Allendale Police, Allendale Fire, and Allendale EMS responded to a Monday morning, 08/13 rollover crash in the 900 block of Franklin Turnpike, Allendale. A utility pole was demolished in the mishap. At least one (1) person was transported by ambulance to a local hospital. A paramedic team from The Valley Hospital assisted Allendale EMTs. Ramsey Police assisted with traffic control. A flatbed tow truck righted and removed the wreck from the roadway. Police at the scene did not indicate if the downed utility pole caused any outages to electric power or communications services. No word either on whether any extended road closures would be in effect.

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Bear Sightings in the Boro of Allendale


July 7,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Allendale NJ, Allendale Police are continuing to get reports of bear sightings throughout the Boro. If you see a bear, remember to keep your distance and keep children and pets indoors.

It’s that time of year when bear cubs will again be passing through our area. The Allendale Police will again be monitoring the situation and encourage residents to continue reporting any sightings to the police by calling 201-825-1900.

As a general reminder, keep your distance from any wild animals, including but not limited to bears and coyotes. If you see a bear or coyote, bring pets and children inside until the animal leaves the area. Bears are attracted to neighborhoods by garbage odors. Properly securing your garbage is one of the best ways to prevent bears from becoming a nuisance in our community. For more bear safety tips, please visit the NJ DEP Fish and Wildlife website at or contact the Allendale Police.
Here’s some additional info on bear activity in Allendale:

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“High-end vehicle theft” is a continuing problem in Bergen County

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photo courtesy of Allendale Police

June 24,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Allendale NJ, Allendale police report that over the past two days several vehicles in area towns were burglarized while parked on driveways and in unlocked garages, with three being stolen Proceeds from these incidents included items such as purses, sunglasses, iPhones, and EZ passes. Allendale Police would like to offer the following tips to help reduce your chances of becoming a victim of these types of crimes:
• Every vehicle that was burglarized was unlocked. Please lock your vehicle and keep valuables (i.e. purses, wallets, etc.) either out of plain view or inside your home.
• If your vehicle is parked in a garage, keep the garage locked.
• “High-end vehicle theft” is a continuing problem in Bergen County. Every stolen car, without exception, contained a key fob inside the vehicle. Do not leave key fobs in your center console or glove box. Take them with you whenever you are not using your car.
• If you witness this crime occurring, do not confront the actor! These perpetrators work in teams and should be considered dangerous. No piece of property is worth your personal safety. Be a good witness and call 9-1-1.
If you have any questions or require further information, please contact the Allendale Policer Police Department at (201) 825-1900.

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FBI Will Review 16,750 Pages of Comey Documents in Response to Judicial Watch FOIA


FEBRUARY 16, 2018
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Washington DC, Judicial Watch today announced that the FBI agreed to review 16,750 pages of records in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request seeking the records for former FBI Director James Comey that were archived after he was dismissed. Judicial Watch came to this agreement with the FBI shortly after it filed Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit to obtain the Comey records (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:18-cv-00262)).

Judicial Watch discovered the cache of Comey records as a result of disclosures by the Justice Department in separate Judicial Watch litigation (here and here) to obtain the controversial “Comey memos” that allegedly memorialize conversations Comey had with President Trump.

There is significant public interest in Comey’s conduct and the FBI’s handling of the Clinton email and Russia collusion investigations and targeting of President (and candidate) Trump.

“The FBI has a terrible record of playing shell games with records – whether it be texts or memos by its disgraced former director James Comey,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Our lawsuit, we hope, will force the FBI to expedite the review and the release of the 16,750 pages of Comey documents. Open the files.”