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Truck Hits Utility Pole in Ramsey Causes Power Outages and Extensive Delays on Route 17

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photos courtesy of Ramsey Fire Department

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ramsey NJ, the two southbound lanes on Route 17 in Ramsey were reopened after lanes in both directions were closed for much of the day Friday after a truck hit a utility pole.

Continue reading Truck Hits Utility Pole in Ramsey Causes Power Outages and Extensive Delays on Route 17
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11 15 19 Jeff Vaz1

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Midland Park NJ, Bergen County Prosecutor Mark Musella announced the arrest of JEFF A. VAZ (DOB: 12/3/1987; single; unemployed) of 290 Prospect Avenue, Midland Park, NJ, on the charge of Possession of Child Pornography. The arrest is the result of an investigation conducted by the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office under the direction of Chief Robert Anzilotti.

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3 Vehicle Rollover Crash in Ramsey

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ramsey NJ, Ramsey Police, Ramsey Fire Department, Ramsey Rescue, and Ramsey EMS responded aid victims involved in a three (3) vehicle MVA with rollover at the intersection of Hilltop Road and North Franklin Turnpike on Thursday morning, 11/07.

Continue reading 3 Vehicle Rollover Crash in Ramsey
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Robbers Hit 2 Route 17 Dunkin Donuts Early Wednesday Morning


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ramsey Nj, according to Ramsey Police at 1233 AM this date and armed Robbery (handgun) at Dunkin Donuts Route 17 North yielding proceeds. NO ONE INJURED.

Actor described as an Asian male in his 20’s, short, thin build, wearing a black hooded sweatshirt, face mask and sunglasses. Actor brandished a handgun demanded money from the registers and attempted to have employee open the safe. Actor fled via rear door of Dunkin Donuts.

Barely 15 minutes later, Paramus Police reported similar incident at their Dunkin Donuts, actor had a matching description.

Anyone who might have seen or knows something that could help authorities catch the robber is asked to contact Ramsey police at(201) 327-2400 or Paramus police at (201) 262-3400 .

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Upper Saddle River and Ramsey Police Converge on Quick Chek Prevent Possible Opioid Tragedy

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Photo and post by  Derek Michalski‎ 

Ramsey NJ,  Another alleged Opioids addict saved by Upper Saddle Police tonight. Thank you for keeping us save. I can’t give you more details but quick thinking by one of Quick Chek gas attendants on Route 17 North in Ramsey and light-speed response by USR Police and Ramsey Police probably prevented another tragic car accident or even worse death or maiming. Great job officers! Chief Rotella should be proud of his crew as we ALL are tonight.

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17 North Crash Results in Non Life Threatening Injuries

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photo courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog 

Ramsey NJ, Six (6) victims of a Monday morning, 12/17, crash on Route 17 northbound near Spring Avenue in Ramsey were transported to area hospitals by ambulances. Ramsey Police, Ramsey Rescue, and Ramsey EMS responded to the incident along with mutual aid ambulances from Upper Saddle River and The Valley Health System. Two (2) wrecked vehicles were removed from the scene by flatbed tow trucks. One (1) travel lane of Route 17 northbound and the exit ramp to Spring Street from Route 17 northbound were closed while emergency crews worked. All injuries were reported to have been non life threatening in nature.

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Rollover Crash on Franklin Turnpike takes Out Utility Pole

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

the staff of the Ridgewood bog

Allendale NJ, Allendale Police, Allendale Fire, and Allendale EMS responded to a Monday morning, 08/13 rollover crash in the 900 block of Franklin Turnpike, Allendale. A utility pole was demolished in the mishap. At least one (1) person was transported by ambulance to a local hospital. A paramedic team from The Valley Hospital assisted Allendale EMTs. Ramsey Police assisted with traffic control. A flatbed tow truck righted and removed the wreck from the roadway. Police at the scene did not indicate if the downed utility pole caused any outages to electric power or communications services. No word either on whether any extended road closures would be in effect.

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Friday Afternoon Crash Takes Out Power for Nearby Orange & Rockland Electric Subscribers

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

June 2,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ramsey NJ, Traffic on Route 17 northbound through Ramsey was slowed by a one (1) vehicle crash near Spring Street, Ramsey, late Friday afternoon and early evening, 06/01. Ramsey Police, EMS, and Rescue Squad personnel responded to the incident. Power was knocked out to a number of nearby Orange & Rockland Electric subscribers as a result of a struck utility pole. A Federal Express tractor trailer became stuck on a ramp to Route 17 northbound from Spring Street when utility cables dropped in front and back of the truck. The driver of the SUV involved in the crash sustained a head injury and was transported by ambulance to a local hospital. A flatbed tow truck removed the wrecked vehicle from the scene.


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Mayhem at the Interstate Shopping Center in Ramsey

Ramsey Mayhem

photo coutesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook

March 7,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ramsey NJ, Mayhem of sorts on Tuesday afternoon, 03/06, at the Interstate Shopping Center in Ramsey after a 4-door sedan struck an exterior support column in front of Five Below, striking a passing vehicle in the process, then mounted a curb and wiped out a traffic control sign. A parked tow truck called by police to remove the wrecked sedan was hit by another vehicle. Ramsey Police and Upper Saddle River EMS responded to the incident. All drivers and passengers refused medical aid. At least one (1) vehicle was removed from the scene by a flatbed tow truck. An additional tow truck was observed responding to the area to evaluate another vehicle involved in the crash. Damage to the shopping center structure appeared to have been cosmetic in nature only.

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Bee Swarm Takes on Ramsey Resident and Emergency Rescue Personnel

Bee Swarm Takes on Ramsey Resident and Emergency Rescue Personnel

photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook

July 15,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ramsey NJ, Ramsey Police, Fire , EMS, Rescue Squad and OEM personnel rushed to 62 Mardis Avenue, Ramsey on Saturday afternoon, 07/15, in response to a 911 telephone call reporting an adult male unconscious in the home’s driveway after being stung multiple times by a swarm of bees. It was several minutes before Ramsey PD and FD members could advance to the driveway area and remove him to a waiting ambulance. Multiple ambulances were subsequently called to the scene after at least two (2) other neighborhood residents were stung. A beekeeper was called to address the issue, but the area remained off limits to pedestrians for approximately three (3) hours until the bees calmed down. Allendale PD and EMS assisted at the scene, as did an ambulance from The Valley Hospital. A uniformed Ramsey PD officer was also among those stung; he was observed entering a ambulance for examination and treatment.

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Ramsey Police Report a String of Robberies Targeting Cell Phones and Tablets


file photo by Boyd Loving

August 13,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ramsey NJ, Ramsey police are urging citizens to not openly use their cellphones or tablets while walking or sitting in their cars after dark following a series of street robberies and attempts the past two weeks.
The first robbery occurred when two robbers swiped a cellphone from a woman at the corner of Island Avenue and Washington Drive around 11-11:30 p.m. on July 25th.

The second victim was struck several times in the face and head with a handgun as he used an iPad while parked in the driveway of his East Crescent Avenue home around the same time of day on Aug. 2nd.

The third robbery occurred on August 11th , the victims were Juveniles  using their cell phones walking south on Hart Street.

All of the robbers were described as apparently in their 20s, with slender and medium builds.All wore dark clothing as well as black baseball caps with the letter “A” in script.

“It is obvious that the [robbers] are targeting victims that they are using cell phones, or other information technology devices,” the chief said. “If you have children, please advise them of this warning if they are out at night.” said Ramsey’s Police Chief Gurney.

Chief Gurney has asked citizens to “remain vigilant and report any sort of suspicious activity” immediately to his department: (201) 327-2400.