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Reader says , “This downtown is not my downtown anymore”

hudson garage6

“I passed by Broad St last night. The garage is HUGE. This garage reminds me of the monsters they have built in Yonkers and other areas in Westchester County. Even half the size would have been more than sufficient. The apartment complex is more than huge. Ugly sh!t all around. And it is just a start. They should rename Broad St to Broad Ave.
This downtown is not my downtown anymore. I will stay out of it.”

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Reader says , “All this development is a result of the High Density Ordinances that passed 3 to 2 during the reign of Paul, Albert and Gwenn”

Ridgewood 3 amigos

“All this development is a result of the High Density Ordinances that passed 3 to 2 during the reign of Paul, Albert and Gwenn. Hundreds of residents came to at least two council meetings to speak against the increase of 12units per acre in the CBD to 35. The garage we have today is a compromise from the giant one these same 3 pushed that would have encroached on Hudson and taken away much street parking. At the same time we were fighting for a less intrusive Valley expansion project which would have been more appropriate for the area which contains two schools,private homes and sits on one of our busiest intersections The main driveway would have allowed cars in increased numbers to exit on to Linwood Avenue. If you have looked at the Valley site on Winters Avenue and the massive construction going on there, you would know that this would have been a blow to Ridgewood if it had been built on the 15 acre campus site.”

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High Density Housing Takes Shape in Ridgewood

high density housing

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, with the high density housing taking shape in the central business district in the Village of Ridgewood , Ridgewood taxpayers will once again be called on to fund additional, water, police, fire ,sewage , garbage, recycling , parking, roadwork infrastructure and additional school classrooms . All brought to you by the infamous “3 Amigos” ie… Paul Aronsohn  ,Gwen Hauck  and Albert Pucciarelli .

While taxes skyrocket , housing stalls ,ask your self  how difficult the Franklin /Broad Street  intersection will be during the morning rush and will Ridgewood Water finally institute “no flush Fridays” policy?


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A Primer for Ridgewood High Density Housing

high denity housing 33

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, because so many people still do not get it,  the Ridgewood blog presents a primer for high density housing .

High density Housing is housing with a higher population density than the average, typically blocks of flats, and tower blocks.

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BREAKING: All non-essential construction across New Jersey will CEASE, indefinitely, effective 8:00 PM Friday.


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Governor Murphy is signing an Executive Order to further our aggressive efforts to enforce social distancing.
All non-essential construction across New Jersey will CEASE, indefinitely, effective 8:00 PM Friday.

Continue reading BREAKING: All non-essential construction across New Jersey will CEASE, indefinitely, effective 8:00 PM Friday.

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Court Forced Over development and High Density Housing in the Eye of Coronavirus Pandemic Storm in Bergen County

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the staff of the Ridgewood

Upper Saddle River NJ , for over 2 years the Ridgewood blog has tracked the continuing saga of the Toll Brothers Apple Ridge development in Upper Saddle River .  We have chronicled the rampant over development being rammed  down the throats of taxpayers by the courts under the guise of “Fair Share Housing”, the remediation problems , the run off issues , and the infrastructure ,transportation  and educational shortfalls .

Continue reading Court Forced Over development and High Density Housing in the Eye of Coronavirus Pandemic Storm in Bergen County

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Business Down an Estimated 40% Since the Increase in Parking Rates in the Village

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 the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ,  on February 1, 2020 there was a rate increase  for parking in the central business district. The new rates will be $1.00/hour in the lots and $1.25/hour on the streets.  The rate increase is deemed  necessary in order to pay for the construction of the Hudson Street Garage.

Continue reading Business Down an Estimated 40% Since the Increase in Parking Rates in the Village

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Ridgewood’s “3 Amigos” Strike Again

3 amigos in action Ridgewood NJ

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, on the Facebook page, “Ridgewood Moms and Dads With Free Speech” Anne LaGrange Loving stumbled on the inevitable ,

Continue reading Ridgewood’s “3 Amigos” Strike Again

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Law of Unintended Consequences ; Former Mayor Forced to Lower the Selling Price for His Home

ridgewood real estate

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, talk about unintended consequences , seems former mayor Paul Arosohn has been forced to lower the price of his home on Linwood Avenue in Ridgewood .   The home bought in 2007 for $732,500 is currently on sale for $665,00 .

Continue reading Law of Unintended Consequences ; Former Mayor Forced to Lower the Selling Price for His Home

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Pillow Talk – Ridgewood voters duped, big time

pillow talk

by the staff of The Ridgewood Blog

Well, well.  It would appear that the previously “alleged” romantic relationship between two individuals who served on the Ridgewood Village Council for four consecutive years together can now be classified as a “confirmed” romantic relationship.

Continue reading Pillow Talk – Ridgewood voters duped, big time

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Reader says ,”Don’t get me started on them. Aronsohn did so many questionable unethical things”

3 amigos in action Ridgewood NJ

“Don’t get me started on them. Aronsohn did so many questionable unethical things. Like trying to derail Mike Sedon’s original run for office by contacting his employer in Staten Island on a fake conflict-of-interest concern. He actually got the Ridgewood News to pull a letter to the editor that a citizen had written because he did not like the letter (yes, he was in the newspaper office constantly monitoring their articles and incoming letters). He tried to get an employer to fire a local citizen who had crossed paths with Aronsohn. He publicly went after Bernie Walsh (along with Gwenn and Albert) attacking her for ‘fixing” a parking ticket which she absolutely did not do. The three of them, led by Aronsohn of course, went after Tom Richie for a conflict with his company doing work for the Village, which was not a secret, nothing under the table, although they tried to imply that it was. They all went after Susan Knudsen for questioning residency requirements for civilian jobs, by bringing a labor attorney to the council meeting to attack her (this was met with a huge groundswell of anger against the three of them). Then of course you had Aronsohn and Hauck, who were both married, having a love affair while they were serving together. And Aronsohn tried to get the civil service list changed so that Keith Killion’s son would be bounced off. The list goes on and on. He is despicable by any standards. And Roberta? Oh my word. Remember when she wrote a letter to the paper attacking a citizen who had spoken up about Schedler??? What the hell kind of rogue Village Manager starts publicly attacking citizens? And she used to interrupt council deliberations incessantly with her opinions, clearly forgetting that she was not an elected official. Every time there was any kind of swearing-in or proclamation, she would come down from the dais with the elected officials and stand there for her photo ops. And no one can forget how she tried to physically block a citizen from getting signatures in Van Neste, the signatures were for the referendum to stop the garage – yes, there are photos of that incident, where she stepped in claiming she was trying to present the facts. When a citizen was assaulted during a council meeting they carried on like nothing had happened and refused to admonish the person who hit the other person. What a crew they were. Just horrible.”

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Former Mayor Paul Aronsohn and Village Manager Roberta Sonenfeld are back in the news and still GUILTY of Misusing Public Funds

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, So Paul Aronsohn and Roberta Sonenfeld are back in the news.  It seems that their GUILTY charge of misusing public funds still stands.  Do you remember back in 2016 when Aronsohn was pushing for the MONSTER garage?  He and Roberta made a video using public funds to promote a YES vote for their parking garage.  The video was billed with an invoice on which Gwenn Hauck’s name appears).  The video included Aronsohn imploring everyone to vote for this massive bond because he felt it was desperately needed.  Some village officials were interviewed on the video (while working, that is, their salaries were being paid to make this promotional video).  And it was posted on the Village website which is paid for by all the taxpayers.

Continue reading Former Mayor Paul Aronsohn and Village Manager Roberta Sonenfeld are back in the news and still GUILTY of Misusing Public Funds

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Reader says ,”Many for YEARS !! repeatedly posted real honest concerns as to the direction that the towns elected officers were taking us”

3 amigos in action Ridgewood NJ

file photo by Boyd Loving

Many for YEARS !! repeatedly posted real honest concerns as to the direction that the towns elected officers were taking us.

We have arrived at a that poor place ..just look up and down to the shoddy roadways and it is looking like
RIDGEWOOD As we knew it -and invested in the form of time ,efforts & cost to maintain nice homes and paying high : school & local /state taxes -is well on its way to another cheesy mess of a poorly run town.Roads are also a disgrace,

Time to get out..sadly..Last one please kick the last can of
regrets over onto VOR CITY HALL/ship of fools .

unlikely anyone there gives a damm about anything.

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Reader says , “The point is that none of our councils, including the current one, have stood up to fight these problems”

high density

“The point is that none of our councils, including the current one, have stood up to fight these problems.
Worse, they have never really spent the time to deal with these issues head on and try to find creative solutions.
They could support litigation with other towns against these proposals. They could figure out a way to satisfy the obligations in the meantime, such as by designating one site for purely low income rather than 10% of numerous sites. Then, you would have had one site with 35 units rather than 4 sites totalling a couple of hundred. They could focus on the fact we had hundreds of beutiful apartment buildings, catering to a wide range of incomes, and we didn’t need to build shoddy units on top of the rail road tracks.”

Continue reading Reader says , “The point is that none of our councils, including the current one, have stood up to fight these problems”

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Reader says, Paul, Al , Gwen and later Roberta. They forced the high density ordinances

Village Council Tables Vote on High Density Housing

“It was Paul, Al , Gwen and later Roberta. They forced the high density ordinances and were pushing an even larger garage on Hudson. The current structure is a compromise. I hate it too but was around for the big fight and attended the meetings.”

3 amigos in action Ridgewood NJ